Morning after

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Emerald pov - agrrr why does my head hurt so much and my mouth ahhh yuk it feels like sandpaper.
I slowly open up my eyes and I start to panic, where the hell am I, then it started to come back I passed out and hit the floor but how and why I only had some orange juice I don't drink and who's bed am I in.
I turned and notice that there in a man sleeping next to me but not just any man it's Adonis the walking greek god man his name truly does suit him well, god please tell me I did not just give my virginity  to this man that I don't know god what if his wife or daughter comes in they will think I am some home wrecking whore which I am not.
Okay Emerald just calm down I use to hear the girls when I was school talk about when they had sex for the first time they had pain down there and I don't feel anything and judging by the size of his body I am guessing I probably would be extremely sore.
I...I have not time to be crazy talking to myself about what happen I got out of here, he probably won't want me here and I really don't want his wife to catch me here.
I slide out of bed quickly and quietly thats when I see I have a mans shirt on don't tell me he put it on me "shut up Emerald just get out if here now" I didn't see any of my clothes so I went through his draws and find some swear pants I put them on and pull the string as tight as I could they where so big on me then I rolled it up by the waist and on the ankles I see my bag on the table I pick it up and open the door and wow this place is huge how the hell am I gunna find my way out I don't even know where I am and I got 30 minutes before I have to be at the Cafe.
When I finally made it out of the maze of a house well it's more like a mansion.
I looked at my phone to see my location then called an uber it got there like in 10 minutes it may cost me and arm and a leg but I am sure he would not want me there.

Adonis pov- I woke up with a smile on my face knowing that baby girl was sleeping right next to me but my smile died and anger bubbled in me she was gone, why the hell would she leave I called Gary his on gate duty he told me she left in an uber about 430am she seems to be in a panicked state.
I think baby girl might have thought something happened, but even then why would she leave but I had an Idea when she would be so I had a quick shower and headed to the cafe and sure enough she was there.
I wanted to walk right up to her throw her over my shoulders and take her home to spank her little ass black and blue for leaving but I know I can't do that yet  she seems far to innocent and fragile I will have to take my time with her but when I do she won't be working anymore she will be living with me so I can take care of her, after what the Dr said about her been malnourished and sleep deprived I new she needed me just as much as I need her I know it crazy but I can't walk away from her I must have her and I will.
I walked into the cafe as soon as she saw me she looked like she saw a ghost she was so shocked I went to walk up to her but one of her co workers jumps in pushing her to the side which pissed me off so much who does she think she is.

- Hello Adonis welcome to the caffeine life cafe I am Rachel I will be your server today what can I get you.

Adonis pov- I just ignore her and went to the side of the counter to help Emerald up.

Adonis- are you okay baby girl, are you hurt any where ( she shook her head and told me she was fine I helped her to her feet then turn my attention to the red head girl)
And you how dare you, did you think I wouldn't see how you pushed her.

Rachel- Adonis I w..( cutoff )

Adonis- it's Mr Romano to you

Rachel- I...I'm sorry Mr Romano but she is hopeless and useless, I don't know why Mr mackerel keeps her, she would just mess up your order, unlike me I would never do that.

Adonis- your poor attempts to flirt with me have failed, I have been captured my a beauty that outshines you.

Mr mackerel- whats going on here, Mr Romano is there a problem, Emerald what have you done I ( cutoff)

Adonis- why I you yelling at Emerald, its this one right here I will see to this place shut down and leave you homeless and penniless by the way she talks and treated Emerald I can tell this isn't the first time and by the way you jumped and blamed her right away I say you allow it to happen.

Mr Mackerel- sir Mr Romano please don't have us shut down, I am sorry Emerald for
Accusing you of any wrong doing.

Adonis- I will give you a chance if I find out you are miss treating her I will shut this place down now firer this one I am sure your cafe doesn't need garbage like this.

Mr Mackerel- yes sir... Rachel your fired pack your things and leave.

Rachel- b...( cutoff)

Adonis- I advised you not to say a thing and leave quietly or I will make sure you never get a job anywhere.

Emerald pov- I stand there shocked about what I just witnessed no one has ever stood up for me before and I never say anything I just ignore them it's probably why they do it, they know how weak I am, that I will never say anything its why I keep to myself, but why is he here and why does he care what she does to me or how I am treated I am nobody.
I watch as Adonis tells my boss that I am on break now and he better not cut my pay or he will be back.
He then takes my hand and drags me out of the Cafe and into his car he tell his driver to head to Del Marco's it's this really expensive Spanish restaurant.
I tug on his arm to get his attention.

Emerald- ummm you don't need to take me there I'm not hungry and I also don't have that kinda money to eat in a place like that, they won't even accept me in a place like that.

Adonis- baby girl first don't ever lie to me, cause I will always know second your mine, my baby girl and you will never pay for anything and third they will never say anything to you because you are with me, your my woman and only if they wish for death they would say something to you.

Emerald- but I am not yours, I am not even the same c...class as you and we can never be together I w...won't be y...your m....mistress p....please t...take b...back.....

Adonis- what are you talking about, who said you be a mistress baby girl I want to get to know you I want you to be my girlfriend.

Emerald- b...but y....your m...married h...have a daughter

Adonis- baby girl haha where did you get this from I am not married.

Emerald- but that little girl you with.... I've see. Her before but with her mom.

Adonis- hahaha oh god baby girl you make me laugh, you think that she is my daughter... no baby she is my niece her mother is my little sister.

Emerald- oh

Adonis- is that why you left without saying anything to me this morning

Emerald pov- I didn't say anything I just nodded my head

Adonis- words baby girl

Emerald- y..yes

Adonis pov- well now I know why she left but I have a feeling it isn't the only reason I am gunna have to have my guy do a background check on her I know it's wrong but I have to know I can just feel it bad things have happen to my little kitten mmm that's a perfect pet name my baby girl.
As soon as we get to the restaurant I take her hand in mind she is so cute and tiny but a perfect fit to me.
Everyone was starting to stare at Emerald all the men where ogling her which I didn't like but one look from me had them turn the other way and all the woman where death starring her. I swear no one better do anything to upset her.

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