Chapter 93

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 93

As soon as the day broke, Juliet went to the Duke’s residence in the capital.

However, she couldn’t meet Lennox.

“… He went back?”

“Yes, Miss.”

To be precise, the Duke’s residence was completely empty, and no one could be met.

Juliet blinked, at a loss for words.

The manager of the Duke’s residence responded to Juliet with an apologetic expression.

“He left for his territory last evening.”

In the end, Juliet had no choice but to leave a short note asking for the Soulstone to be sent to the Duke’s mansion since it was urgent.

It was an incredibly swift and quiet return, considering the number of people.

He must have used a gate, as it didn’t take long.

Initially, if everything had gone as usual, the Duke and his retinue would have returned to the North immediately after the New Year’s ball, but due to various circumstances, he stayed in the capital until February.

And yet, what does this sudden departure mean? It looks like…

‘Looks like you ran away when you were caught red-handed.’

Juliet still couldn’t forget the expression on Lennox’s face the moment she revealed the secret he was hiding.

“When given the chance, you should’ve just pretended not to know.”

The pride of this man was so great that it probably reached the very sky.

‘You’ve never asked anyone for anything or asked for advice in your life because you thought you were the best…’

This man didn’t learn to rule, he was a born ruler.

One could understand why he wouldn’t want to show a weak side. However, the more Juliet thought about it, the more annoyed she became.

‘How could he just leave for the North without saying anything? Leaving me in such distress, then what am I to him?’

Sitting in the greenhouse, tending to roses from the Katia mountains, Juliet coldly spat out:



Onyx, who had been lying beside her and diligently separating the flower buds from the stem, raised his head when he heard Juliet’s voice.

The entire floor around the young dragon was strewn with beautiful rosebuds that looked like severed heads.


Juliet sighed heavily and tossed a few more thornless roses to Onyx before picking up her pruning shears again.

February was a quiet season.

Social gatherings in the salons were active, and it was the height of fox hunting.

But Juliet, who had no interest in either salons or hunting, was mostly staying at her mansion.

Of course, she was never bored. Visitors came and went frequently, making her mansion more bustling than any other winter.

“Juliet, Juliet!”

A tall beauty holding a pile of flowers popped her head in.

“Look! I did all of this.”

Elsa neatly arranged the trimmed pile of flowers in front of Juliet and urged:

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