Chapter 10

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 10

The Duke, accompanied by his elite knights, arrived at a secure residence located quite far from the imperial palace.

Most of the aristocrats and ordinary residents were enjoying the New Year festivities in the city center with might and main, so dead silence reigned around this place.


It was an empty house that looked like the other houses on the same street, but inside it was still clean and tidy, as if it was constantly monitored.

In addition, even if they now began to torture one or two people in it, no one would have heard their heart-rending cries, since there wasn’t a single living soul nearby.

And so, in the middle of the living room of this secure house, a man sat on the floor, gagged and tightly bound, with no chance of escape.

“Mmf! Mmm!”

The completely bound young man tried to scream something, either from surprise or from fright, when strangers suddenly entered the room.

However, due to the gag, he couldn’t make out what he was trying to tell them.

“This young man’s name is Donovan. I’m sure it was he who came to see the young lady.”

Lennox Carlyle looked down at the man kneeling on the floor and felt somewhat disappointed.

He was an ordinary-looking young man that one could commonly find anywhere.

Feeling a bit flustered, Lennox ordered.

“Release him.”

As soon as his shackles were removed, the man named Donovin panicked and shouted.

“Great lord! Please spare me! I’ll pay you soon, just don’t kill me!

Lennox frowned.

What was he talking about?

Hadin replied with an undefined expression on his face.

“One of our sources reported that he recently opened his clinic by taking out a debt. Maybe he thought we were here to pick him up.”

Donovan, whose face reflected the full depth of his despair, sat quietly and listened to the conversation of two people, but after a while he intervened cautiously.

“Wait… You didn’t bring me here because of my debt, did you?”


In an instant, both men turned and looked at him coldly.

Lennox kneeled down, bringing himself to eye level with Donovan, and immediately got to the point.

“Do you know Juliet Monad?”

“M-Monad? Are you referring to the Countess?”

“What is your relationship with Juliet?”

“Th-That… Wait a minute. R-Relationship? I haven’t even met her!”

Donovan vehemently denied it.

He seemed to realize the predicament he was in.

“Then why did you go to see Juliet?”

“W-Well… That’s… Patient information is a sensitive matter…”

Donovan looked at Lennox with a perplexed expression.

But as soon as the knight behind him placed a hand on his sword hilt, Donovan immediately shouted.

“It’s because of my mother!”

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