Chapter 52

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 52

“Ah, mom!”


The first to regain consciousness was Magda.

When Eshel just opened his eyes, Magda was joyfully hugging the five missing children.

“Everyone is safe!”

Fortunately, the children seemed to be unharmed.

“Are the kids okay?”

“Yes, magician! Everyone seems fine.”

Magda was happy as she checked on the children’s condition.

With a frown due to a headache, Eshel lifted Juliet, who was seemingly dead or unconscious, onto his back.

“Fortunately. Now that we’ve found everyone, we just need a way out of here.”

“Ah, mister!”

Suddenly, a child who was in Magda’s arms screamed.




Eshel barely avoided the attack and rolled on the ground.

“Oh c’mon, don’t move!”

Those who were trying to hit his head were unidentified men holding a shovel and a pickaxe.

“What the, what’s this?”

Eshel frowned.

“…Wait, did you just call him a magician?”

Whispers full of fear flowed from the gap among the men surrounding Eshel, each holding a weapon.

* * *


Juliet interrupted the explanation.

“Why was that black… guild here?”

Juliet and Eshel were investigating the wall of the cliff.

They believed that since the stone that made up the wall wasn’t too soft, they could climb up if they tried, a suggestion put forth by Juliet.

“In fact, those guys are the main culprits who lured the children here.”

“What did you say?”

Juliet’s voice rose.

“They promised to give money if the neighborhood children picked up strange stones from the forest.”

“A strange stone, what is that-”

Juliet, who was saying that, stopped.

In the surrounding darkness, a small pebble emitting a green glow like a glow stick came into sight when they moved a large stone.

“…A magic stone.”


Eshel continued explaining.

He said that instead of big adults, the village children fell for the scheme, went down the cliff, and picked up magic stones.

But they should have stopped at a reasonable point, but due to greed, they fell here when the weakened cliff collapsed because of the rain.

Having heard the entire explanation, Juliet looked around once more, tilting her head.

“I’ve heard this story many times.”

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Where stories live. Discover now