Chapter 81

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 81


The pure white goddess that appeared in the sky let out a horrific scream.



People, unable to even scream, covered their ears and rolled on the ground in agony.

The scream was so harrowing and painful that it felt like the sound of hell.

The only ones who seemed unaffected were the priests standing near the altar.

And similarly, Juliet, who had been leaning weakly on the steps of the round altar.

Although she felt nauseous and dizzy, she didn't collapse upon hearing that sound.

Juliet took deep breaths and looked around.

Seeing that only the priests stood unaffected, it seemed those with divine power were alright.

'Is it because of the Soulstone?'

Juliet glanced at the Soulstone clenched in her hand.

The purple Soulstone of Genovia.

As long as she had this, she now possessed divine power, making her resilient against the appearance of the goddess.

But is that...

Really a god...?

It seemed more like...

Some creature closer to a demon.

Juliet clutched the Soulstone and looked up.


The massive figure casting a shadow over all of Lucerne was beautiful, but it was tightly bound in chains.

"Bring the Pope inside!"

Archbishop Solon exclaimed in panic.

Priests began to hurriedly drag the unconscious body of Sebastian.

"Wait a minute! Archbishop Solon!"

Archbishop Gilliam grabbed Archbishop Solon's sleeve.

"Look at that!"

Archbishop Gilliam pointed exactly where Juliet had appeared with Sebastian, right in the middle of the altar.

"That person is...."

"Lady Hilde?"

"Her Holiness Hildegard?"

"It's Her Holiness Hildegard!"

"That's impossible!"

Two Popes in one place.

It was a series of chaotic situations.

"How could that be possible! Her Holiness Hildegard passed away 3 years ago!"

Archbishop Solon shouted as if he was lamenting.

"But that's unmistakably Hildegard!"

Archbishop Gilliam made up his mind and jumped down into the middle of the altar.

"Your Holiness Hildegard!"

Archbishop Solon watched anxiously.

He murmured to himself.

"Hildegard was alive? Wasn't she killed by Sebastian?"

'She succeeded,' Juliet thought blankly.

Juliet had prepared for the possibility of her own failure.

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