Chapter 18

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 18

‘What happened to this relic in my first life?’

She didn’t remember its fate, but that might be because Gasper sold it along with the mansion.

As Juliet continued to think about the key, she remembered an incident.

‘When I was a child, I remember being scolded for playing with it without my father knowing.’

Young Juliet thought that somewhere in the mansion there must be a door that this key could open.

So she went to every room with that key, trying to find the right door.

The reason she thought so was very simple.

Since this key was 300 years old and the Monad mansion that was given to them by the first Emperor was also 300 years old, she thought there was a connection between the two.

However, no matter how many times she went around the mansion, she couldn’t find a door that could be opened with this key.

When Juliet told this story to her father, he laughed and said:

“Maybe it wasn’t made to open a door.”

“What then does it open, if not the door?”

What is this key for?

“Sorry, but even I don’t know what it should open.”

Count Monad smiled softly and spoke again.

“Now it’is yours. I’m sure you’ll find how to use it.”

* * *

But, since the summer ball has to be the next day, both Juliet and her father completely forgot about the key.

And all because of ‘Bluebell’.

This was the official name of the summer ball, although more often it was simply called the ‘bell party’, it was considered a holiday and was on a par with such major events as, for example, the New Year’s ball held in winter and the spring debutants’ ball.

But, compared to the New Year’s ball, which was attended by the imperial family without fail, the ‘bells’ ball, held in the summer, was less official.

All men and women who had reached the coming of age could attend. Also, during this celebration, all the guests had to give a small bouquet of bells to one of the guests, then, as a result, the person who received the most bouquets became the favorite of this ball and was solemnly presented with a wreath of bells, after which he could make a wish, and the guests had to do it.

Due to this unique rule, this ball was very popular among young single nobles.

And it was for this reason that the servants didn’t leave Juliet all day.

“You must have at all costs a wreath of bluebells, miss!”

“…I will try.”

“That’s not enough, miss!”

The young maids who styled Juliet’s hair tried to stir up a spirit of rivalry in her.

“You are ready!”

The maids skillfully decorated Juliet’s long brown hair with white flowers and small pearls.

As Juliet told Fatima earlier, she wore her mother’s dress to the ball.

The elegant dress, made of light blue and smoky silk, seemed airy and perfect for cool summer weather, while emphasizing Juliet’s thin waist.

Juliet really liked this dress.

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz