Chapter 7

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 7

Suddenly, she heard the sound of carriage wheels rolling, and soon after, a carriage stopped in front of the teahouse.

The person who got off the carriage and approached was the one Juliet had expected.

“I have come to escort you, Miss.”

The man with a large scar on his face seemed to be a weapon himself.

But instead of standing up, Juliet stared at him intently and spoke.

“Cain, is it?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Why were you absent earlier?”


Cain was at a loss for words in response to her direct question.

Meanwhile, Juliet smiled brightly.

“Judd mentioned that sir Cain had to leave urgently, so he should accompany me instead of you. Why were you absent?”

“I apologize, but I can’t disclose that information.”

Avoiding the question was the usual response.

However, Juliet Monad was far from ordinary. Rather than being satisfied with an acceptable answer, she leaned forward and asked persistently. The glimmer in her eyes seemed more like she already knew and was asking just to confirm.

“Did His Highness summon you?”

“… No.”

Although her tone wasn’t demanding or probing, Cain hoped that Juliet would stop asking.

He was generally expressionless, so his discomfort didn’t show, but he was currently in a difficult position.

Cain knew that he was bad at lying.

He was more skilled in fighting with weapons than engaging in conversation. He was originally a gladiator slave who roamed the battlefield as a high-ranking mercenary captain.

The reason he, a mercenary, had reached the level of a swordmaster was because he was employed by the Duke of the North, what was rare for mercenaries.

Duke Carlyle employed anyone who was competent, regardless of their background.

Fortunately, Cain caught the attention of Duke Carlyle, and now he taught practical swordsmanship to the duke’s knights and served as Juliet’s escort since coming to the capital. But strictly speaking, Cain wasn’t an official knight.

He wasn’t even a commoner; he was a former runaway slave from the gladiatorial arena.

And Juliet Monad was the only person who referred to Cain as ‘Sir ‘.

A few hours ago, Duke Carlyle suddenly summoned Cain and inquired about Juliet Monad. He asked where she had been recently, whom she had met, and with whom she had been in contact.

“Was there anything different from usual?”

Cain didn’t know why the Duke was asking such questions, but he sensed the sharpness of the Duke’s attention. So Cain defended Juliet Monad as much as he could within his knowledge. He said that she was doing well without any problems and that there was nothing suspicious.

However, it wasn’t his place to disclose everything to Juliet straightforwardly.

Of course, his master was Duke Carlyle, not Juliet Monad. But somehow, Cain felt a pang of conscience.

“What did His Highness ask? Did he mention me?”

“I can’t disclose that information. I apologize.”

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