Darkness and secrets

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I hate you Vin! I hate you so much!

I would never forgive you if you even touch a single strand of Mia! 

My legs hesitated when I stopped before the old building. The dungeon looked single floored from outside, but it had four more floors underneath the ground. The underground area was huge. I had been there once due the punishment Luna gave me, and it was scary. Dirty. I could smell the stench of the rogues confined there from outside. 

Eyes full of query and disdain followed me as I approched the building. The four giants guarding the iron gate watched me with narrowed gazes. No one was allowed in without the Alpha, beta and Luna's permission. How would I get to Mia now? I had to stop Vin. He was inside, as Matt said. 

Nearing the guards, the moment I opened my mouth to request them to let me in, their foreheads shrunk. They sniffed the air before their gazes zeroing on me. Dark eyes were puzzled as they searched for something on my neck. And their eyes widened. 

Then the most shocking thing happened. They moved from my way and fixed their gazes on the ground. I was startled. 

What just happened? 

But I didn't have time to think. Throwing words of gratitude, I hurried inside. The more guards I passed, the more suspicious I got. All of them first got shocked before they moved from my way, even the wolves confined behind the bars were watching me with curiosity. Something was wrong, I just couldn't keep a finger on it!

After searching the whole first floor, I decided to go downstairs, the darker and more dangerous zone to find Mia. The moment I did, among all the gut wrenching stench and smell of blood and dread, I caught a whiff of fire and woods in the air. The intoxicating scent I loved so much. 

He was near! 

Ignoring stares and whispers of the people around, I followed his scent. Nervousness rushed through my veins as I went another floor down. Perspiration formed on my forehead. 

"Mia?" I called. 

There was no response. The cells on this floor were dark. Some ember eyes glowed from the corners, following me. A tremor ran through my spine. 


Where was she? 

"Mia?" My breathing was harsh. "Where are you…" 

A specific ear piercing scream reached my ears, freezing me. It was of a woman, and…familiar. I turned to the source of the voice. His scent was stronger in that way. I could feel him. 

Then another scream echoed followed by a sob full of pain. It sounded so familiar…

Could it be M-mia?

My heart trembled. Tears formed into my eyes. Before I could think, I ran down the hallway. I didn't stop until I was at the end, before the very last cell of the corridor. The screams were making my ears bleed now. From outside, all I could see was three shadows inside. One of them stood in the middle of the cell, tall and proud. Broad shoulders moved up and down with each deep breathing as he stepped forward and raised his leg for another hit. 

"Stop!" I yelled out. Tears ran from my eyes as I clutched the iron of the cell. Each whimper was like an arrow in my heart. I could smell Mia here, and it was mixed with blood. "Mia! Vin no! Don't hurt her!" 

He stopped. 

"She didn't do anything! It- it was all me! I asked her help. Please don't hurt her! Please, I beg you!" I sobbed, trying to open the door. But it was locked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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