My Little Butterfly...

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The dark sky rumbled above the dense woods. Cool breeze swept across with slight drizzle of rain dancing with it. One or two wigs broke beneath my legs every now and then as I ran with my heart in my mouth.

My legs hurt from almost half an hour of running, my lugs burned from my labored breathing, but I didn't stop. The howls and cheerings were long gone from my earshot, meaning I was far enough from them.

But I wasn't stopping. I would only when I was out of the pack border. Which wasn't far from me.

And then I would be free from this pack. Free of him.

Another drop of tear rolled down my cheek.

He must've marked her till now.

My lips parted as a sob threatened to come out. My heart clenched with pain.

I hate you, Vin! You promised to always be with me! To protect me!

I wish I could shift. I would be long gone from this pack land if I was in my wolf form. I didn't want to stay here for another minute.

I forced myself to run faster.

But a sudden rustle from somewhere around me made me stop in the track. I glanced around.

The atmosphere suddenly went eerily quiet.

Another sound of a twisting twig made my head snap to my right. Again, no one.

Who could be there? Everyone was at the ceremony.

Not giving it a thought, I started to run again. But a growl so ferocious it shook the earth beneath me halted me. The sudden pressure in the air made my heart stop.

A chill ran through my spine. I knew the pressure in the air. The dark aura claiming the atmosphere.

My body shook with fear. No, it couldn't be. He couldn't catch me.

Clutching my duffel bag tightly, I sprinted. With everything in me, I ran so fast the trees beside me became blurred. My heart drummed beneath my rib cage.

I wouldn't let him catch me. I wouldn't…

Another growl shook the woods before I was tackled on the wet ground. A gasp of shock and pain left me. Raindrops started hitting the earth with its utmost force as I turned around and met with a pair of glowering red eyes.

The huge black wolf stood over me with its nostrils flaring and sharp canines flashing under the night.

My throat dried, my heart drummed in my chest. Fear shook my entire body with the cold rainfall hitting my skin.


A snarl made me flinch. Big black paws with murderous nails ready for killing slammed on the wet ground on both sides of my head. I clenched my eyes shut with the monster closing in on me.

No! I wouldn't fear him! He wanted me to leave him alone, right? Then why did he stop me?

Still shaking from cold and dread, I managed to utter, "L-let go of m-me…I-I will leave forever, please…"

Before I could finish, warm hard fingers wrapped around my throat, choking me. I gasped. Hot breath fanned my cheek as I opened my eyes wide.

Instead of the giant monster, the very naked wide shouldered man hovered over me, so close to me. But his red eyes and sharp canines told me he was still in control of his wolf.

The grip on my throat tightened with his form shaking in rage. Red eyes almost turned black, the vicious black veins spread around his temple and eyes. My insides froze with dread.

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