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Tuesday 26th January 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Evan's pretty frustrated because for one, he can't touch his boyfriend without causing him to freak out at his touch. Also, he lost the solo at Regionals to Miles, his friend slash rival, and his ideas to do more R&B in Glee Club are pretty much ignored. There's still another solo up for grabs at Internationals, but that's a long time away and only if they win at Nationals this year. Jaxon and James reconciled and James quit hanging out with Aldy. On his way to apologize for his quick departure, James got cornered by a gang member. Jaxon stepped up to defend James, but he got stabbed. Now he has to have surgery or he'll never play guitar again. Aldy saw the error of his ways and decided to head to rehab for his drinking problem. Also, Hallie got all dark and quit the Cheerios but thanks to Reece and Lana, she's finally back to normal.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Choir Room

Will stepped into the choir room and took a look around at everyone

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Will stepped into the choir room and took a look around at everyone. Emma was right behind him, her usual cheerful self.
Miles says to Will "What's Mrs. Pillsbury Schuester doing here?"
Will says to the glee club "She's here for support for you guys.We need to discuss a few things that's happened and she's here if you need to talk to her after we are done."
Jaxon says to Will "I can see where this is going."
Jaxon said, running his hand along his bandage.
Will says to the glee club "You might be wondering why Aldy has been absent for four days. Aldy went into rehab for a drinking problem."
Bella says to Will "About time."
Will narrowed his eyes.
Will says to Bella "Be supportive, Bella. It's hard for him. He's going through a lot."
Lana says to Will "Not as much as we are.My girlfriend had a crisis and my best friend got stabbed as an indirect result of him and his actions. Please forgive us for not being really supportive and feeling that this decision of his was long overdue."
Will says to the glee class "I get it, guys.You all hold animosity toward Aldy due to the issues about Hallie's babies' father and Jaxon's being stabbed. But to be fair, Aldy told me he had no idea what Chris had done in the past and he was genuinely sorry for what happened to Hallie."
Miles says to Will "But it was his damn turf war that got Jaxon hurt."
Jaxon says to the glee club "Guys, can we not blame Aldy,He didn't stab me. A gang member did. And as far as I'm concerned I might have even been stabbed just for being on his turf, even if Aldy had never started a turf war. Things happen."
Miles says to the glee club "But if James had never went to see Aldy..."
Taylor says to Miles "So it's really kind of James' fault. He's the reason Jaxon could have died."
Will says to the glee club "Let's stop the blame game, I'm not playing. Accidents happen. And judging from what I've heard, you all could benefit from having a talk with Emma after this is over."
Taylor says to Will "Especially James."
James looked down, out of shame, feeling guilty for what had happened to Jaxon.
Will says to Taylor "Enough,Taylor, go to the principal's office."
Taylor says to Will "Whatever.This talk was boring me anyway."
Taylor grabbed her backpack and walked out the door. The rest of the Glee Club was silent.
Will says to the glee club "Anyway,I was thinking about for this week, our lesson can be on songs about changing oneself for the better. Songs like Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror for example."
Evan raised his hand.
Evan says to Will "I was still thinking we can do a lesson dedicated to R&B. It's an underappreciated genre and it's good for dealing with the things we're all feeling right now."
Will says to Evan "We just did R&B at Sectionals."
Evan says to Will "Now, we didn't do R&B in general. We did Janet Jackson. There are other deserving artists in R&B other than Janet Jackson."
Will says to Evan "I think that this lesson will resonate more with the other members who are dealing with a lot right now."
Evan says to Will "Like I'm not? Everyone is dealing with something, Mr. Schue. And I've set back and tried to enjoy when you did country music week. I mean, who dedicates an entire weeklong lesson to such a mundane and reductive music genre? Honkytonk badonkadonks, whiskey lullabies, thinking a tractor is sexy, big green tractors, discussing one's favorite colour being chrome...is this the stuff that truly great music is made of? I don't think so. Did Celine Dion sing about honkytonk badonkadonks? No. Did the late great Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, or Whitney Houston ever sing a song about a tractor and or its sex appeal? No. You have got to be kidding me!"
Will says to Evan "I think that's a little disrespectful to the musical tastes of others, Evan."
Evan says to Will "Get used to it. Mine has been disrespected since day one."
Evan stood up and grabbed his books.
Jaxon says to Evan "Where are you going?"
Evan says to the glee club "I'm leaving,I quit Glee Club. I hope you win Nationals. It was fun while it lasted but I can't be part of such a close-minded group. RB demands some respect. In the past few years, it's been disrespected, tossed aside and forgotten until one its great artists dies. And then the only R&B that matters is their songs. It's so sad that such a great genre gets no respect."
Evan stormed out of the choir room to another stunned silence.
Will says to the glee club "Well, should we continue?"
Miles says to Will "Evan just quit, Mr. Schue. Don't you care?"
Will says to Miles "Of course I care but nothing I say to Evan can make up his mind. He's so stubborn."
Lana says to Will "Well, with all due respect, Mr. Schue, he was a point,R&B is seriously overlooked. In life and in Glee Club. I admit, I'm not big on R&B. I'm more of a rocker chick, but Evan deserves to have a chance to pay tribute to his music, too."
In school Hallway

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