Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

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Monday 16th February 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Claude and Jaxon's date was a disaster and it's obvious that Jaxon still loves James. James decided to head to Dalton and have a sing of with Claude, telling him that Jaxon was his, but Claude is going to fight for Jaxon. Kevin, Miles, and Evan are fighting for a solo at Regionals, which is coming up. Lana and Hallie finally took the next step as did Kevin and Rose. Evan tried to with Lucas, but Lucas is still resisting, which frustrates Evan because he can't even touch his boyfriend. New Directions is gonna face Vocal Adrenaline at Regionals and they have a serious past with Archie Carmichael, their lead singer. Archie broke James heart and tried to get Jaxon. last time we saw Archie, India beat him up. Reece's show choir will also be competing at Regionals, which may put a strain on his relationship with BellaAnd that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Choir Room

 Reece's show choir will also be competing at Regionals, which may put a strain on his relationship with BellaAnd that's what you missed on Glee!In the Choir Room

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Will put the dry erase marker down and turned to face the Glee Club. Will smiled as he pointed to what he had written on the board.
Will says to the glee club "Regionals,It's time to figure out our set-list, guys. We have got to give it our all this year. You guys have all worked so hard and I don't wanna see you guys lose. But you can bet that Jesse St. James has been working Vocal Adrenaline to the bone to prepare them. Archie is gonna come back with a vengeance."
Jaxon says to Will "Must you remind me? We've had such a peaceful year without Archie showing his face, unlike last year."
Honey says to the glee club "I have it on good authority that it's because Jesse's working them pretty much twenty-four seven to prepare for Regionals."
Will says to Honey "Where did you hear that?"
Honey says to Will "Rachel still talks to him sometimes.He isn't taking last year's lost at Regionals and Nationals lying down. He's out for blood. New Directions blood."
Bella says to the glee club "Then we have to pull out all stops."
Honey says to the glee club "Rumor has it Vocal Adrenaline is going to be performing classic rock."
Will says to the glee club "Then let's beat them at their own game. We'll also do classic rock. It's always been a strong choice for New Directions."
Lana raised her hand.
Lana says to Will "Hallie and I have a song we'd like to nominate. We danced to it at the Sweethearts Dance Friday night and it seems perfect."
Will nodded.
Will says to Lana "Let's hear it, Lana."
Lana says to Will "The song is 'I Wanna Know What Love Is' by Foreigner. Although, we would prefer to sing the Mariah Carey arrangement if possible."
Will nodded.
Will says to Lana "Okay, we have our first song unless there are any objections."
The room was silent. Lana smiled.
Will says to the glee club "Alright. We have a duet. Now, let's talk the solo. I've been thinking it over and all three of you guys worked really hard, but Miles really proved himself this week. So, I was thinking that he should get to choose what song he sings."
Kevin sighed.
Kevin says to the glee club "I'll never get a solo."
Evan says to Kevin "Join the club."
Evan said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
Will sighed.
Will says to Kevin and Evan "Guys, there are still plenty of opportunities."
Will says to Evan "Evan, you have had quite a few duets solos at competitions, which are amazing so don't get me wrong. However, Miles and Kevin haven't been given those opportunities. All I can suggest is to work harder for the Internationals solo."
Evan shook his head.
Evan says to Will "Whatever."
Miles says to the glee club "Sorry to change the subject.But I was getting depressed by the direction this conversation took. Anyway, I want to send a message to Vocal Adrenaline and that Archie creep. I want to sing Pat Benatar's classic underdog anthem, Invincible from The Legend of Billie Jean."
Will says to Miles "Great choice."
Will said, scribbling the song title on the dry erase board.
Will says to the glee club "Now, what will our group number be?"
In school Hallway

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