Chapter 314 - 315

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Chapter 314 Brother Shen’s Interlude

There was nothing special worth mentioning about this exam. After the exam, Zhen Shuai handed over his benefits and fell asleep with Shen Xingdu in his arms.

The next day, the two came to the flower market. What made the commander a little regretful was that the flowers in this world did not have the rare varieties he thought, but were all common ones. They ordered many flowers and plants that college students like, such as orchids, roses, lilies, succulents, etc., and had them delivered to their doorsteps. They also bought a lot of some that were more beautiful but not easy to survive. It was not difficult for the two of them to make them survive.

The two of them kept busy in the shop, making the remaining arrangements until the afternoon, when they went home and continued selling barbecue.

There were especially many people coming to have barbecue today, so it was needless for Zhen Shuai to take the initiative to ask for fortune telling. It was obvious that what happened yesterday had spread to a certain extent.

There are also many people who directly say they want to buy talismans as soon as they come.

Zhen Shuai was already prepared and took out the talisman he drew, a thick stack.

"Don't worry, everyone, get in line. I have a hundred talismans here, including health talisman, wealth talisman, peace talisman, peach blossom talisman and evil-avoiding talisman. Each one is 100 yuan, first come first served." Some.

The guest looked at the complex lines that looked like scrawls on the yellow talisman and hesitated. Isn’t it a scam to charge 100 yuan for just this thing?

There are also some people who stand firmly in the team, including Ayun and Xiaoling. Xiaoling, who is very budget-conscious, even bought two of them, one is a health charm and the other is an evil charm. Ayun's family was financially well-off, so he bought ten of them without hesitation, five of which were health charms, and the other five were peace charms. The other guests had all the charms they wanted.

"Little boss, I want a peace charm and a fortune charm!"

"Little boss, I want two fortune charms!"

"Little boss, give me a peach blossom charm!"


Shen Xingdu was responsible for collecting the money. , Zhen Shuai gave them the talisman the guests needed. The proprietress

of the grilled fish shop counted them while she was idle. She couldn't help but look amazed and whispered to her husband: "Zhen Shuai is even better at cheating than his old man. He has already made four or five thousand in just a short time!"

Looking at the figures of Ayun and Xiaoling, they pondered and said nothing. He was there last night, and the two little girls didn't act like they were just pretending.

"Speak." The landlady pushed the boss.

The boss whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, maybe this guy really has some skills."

The wife of the boss curled her lips disapprovingly, but she didn't say anything more and continued to watch the fun.

At this moment, a person exclaimed: "Hey? Aren't you the person who said you had a friend at the bus company yesterday?" Ge Jun was waiting in line. When he heard someone mention him, he nodded to the person


"Brother, how are you? Have you seen the surveillance video of the 212 bus?" The person asking the question was obviously an insider.

Ge Jun's face turned a little pale when he thought of the video he saw at the bus company, and said truthfully: "I saw it... Although the video was a bit blurry and shaking, I did see a few figures on the bus suddenly appear and then suddenly disappear. . My friend said it was hackers who did something, but I feel it should be true, so I came to line up immediately today."

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