Chapter 55 - 56

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Chapter 55 Sublimation of Mood

Zhen Shuai was worried about slipping and did not dare to walk too fast. The mountain is still covered with ice and snow. Walking on the stone steps, the cold air from the snowdrifts on both sides hits you, and your face is slightly stung by the blow. After climbing for half an hour, he felt hot, and the soles of his feet were warm. However, the higher you go up, the stronger the wind becomes, whistling in your ears like the whine of a monster, which is quite frightening in this silent mountain.

Zhen Shuai buried his head and continued to climb. Listening to his footsteps, he always felt as if someone was following him, but when he turned his head and looked, there was no one behind him.

He laughed secretly at himself for scaring himself, gathered up his scarf, and didn't look back.

After nearly two hours, Zhen Shuai finally climbed to the top of the mountain. There was a stone table and bench in the pavilion in front of him. He walked over in a few steps, put his bag on the stone bench, sat down, and panted rapidly.

The wind on the top of the mountain was even stronger, with a few snow particles swept in from a distance, and another light snow started to fall.

The pavilion is transparent on all sides and has a wide view. Zhen Shuai looked at the majestic snow-capped mountains and vast undulating snow forests in the distance, and the gloom in his heart suddenly disappeared.

At this time, he suddenly had the courage to admit that he felt so uncomfortable last night not only because of the defeat, but also because of some shame.

He realized that knowledge from previous lives was not invincible or unsurpassable. Huo'er's success has something to do with her own style scratching the itch of the audience, but her musical talent is unquestionable. Not only her, there are many wonderful musical works and many talented musicians in this world. People are alive, but Zhen Shuai's copying of music from his previous life is rigid. If he just blindly copies it, he will never be able to break through himself. What will happen to him once all the good songs from his previous life are finished? There is only one result, and everyone is lost.

Zhen Shuai also realized that since he got the system, his journey has been too smooth. He has indeed mastered the skills obtained through the system and is indeed proficient in them, but they can only be regarded as "copying" and have no own style. It's like copying a master's painting. Even if the painting is exactly the same, it is just a fake after all.

But can the system be rejected because of this? of course not.

The system is a huge treasure, but Zhen Shuai has not fully utilized it before. His thinking was extremely clear at this time. 004 always said that he should explore the functions of the system by himself. He listened, but he never really understood the meaning of 004's words. Since the system is magical enough to allow him to learn a skill instantly, there must be a way to train him step by step. As long as he relearns it steadily, he will definitely make those skills truly his own.

A pair of chopsticks is just a meal in the hands of ordinary people, but in the hands of a martial arts master, it may become a deadly hidden weapon. The current Zhen Shuai can be said to be a waste of money. He only regards the system as a tool for "eating" and does not realize that the system can become a powerful weapon.

004's voice sounded with relief.

[Host, you have not let this system down. 】

Zhen Shuai was wondering what it meant when the voice of 004 ​​sounded again.

[The host's state of mind reaches sublimation for the first time, and the system rewards a "virtual lecture". The host can enter the virtual lecture hall at any time. In the virtual lecture hall, masters from various fields will personally explain to the host the various skills that the host has acquired. The ratio of time in the virtual lecture hall to real time is 12:1, that is, in the past 12 hours in the virtual lecture hall, only 1 hour has passed in reality. However, currently, the host can only enter the virtual lecture hall that has acquired skills. 】

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