Chapter 171 - 172

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Chapter 171 Supernatural Events 

A figure was sitting in front of the computer, letting out an unruly laugh. There were no lights in the room, and the light from the computer screen shone on his face, reflecting his terrifying smile. He picked up the beer on the table and took a swig. The thought of seeing Zhen Shuai's struggling expression made him very excited. The blood all over his body boiled, and his scarlet eyes shone with a strange light.

"Jie Jie... what will you choose? Zhen, Shuai. Admit that you are sick, or let so many people die with you? Hahahaha... Zhen Shuai! You also have today!" The closed window made a "click"

"Click" sound.

Xia Siyuan turned his head and trembled when he saw a dark shadow appearing at the window at some point.

"Who are you!"

The figure approached silently. Xia Siyuan suddenly felt as if his throat was being pinched and could not make a sound. He watched the dark figure approach and put his hand on top of his head. Then he lost consciousness...

On the edge of the dim playground, at the door of the public toilet, Shen Xingdu spat out a mouthful of blood with a "pop" sound. Forcibly using ** when the realm is low will inevitably damage the vitality. Fortunately, there is a Huiyuan Pill in his fairyland. If he stays in seclusion for a few days to recuperate, he will not leave any hidden dangers.

A student coming out of the men's room saw Shen Xingdu and recognized him. He took a few steps forward and asked with concern: "Student Shen, are you okay?" Shen Xingdu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned around

. He stood up and nodded slightly, "It's okay, thank you."

The student waved his hand, "You're welcome, as long as it's okay."

The two returned to the playground together.

The student didn't notice that an invisible force struck the bloodstain on the ground silently. The bloodstain quickly evaporated like water, leaving no trace.

Zhou Yunyi looked stupidly at Shen Xingdu's appearance. After taking a look at her, she calmly sat back on her seat. Her mind seemed to be in a muddle and could not move at all. what is happening? Did Shen Xingdu not run away?

She frowned and turned her head, seeing Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu looking at each other as if nothing had happened.

"Today's live broadcast ends here. Thank you everyone! It's getting late. Let's go back and have a rest early and have a good dream. Goodbye." After Zhen Shuai said the concluding remarks, he turned off the live broadcast and walked quickly off the stage.

Several leaders and teachers had already left early, saving Zhen Shuai from greeting them.

He walked directly to Shen Xingdu. Shen Xingdu squeezed his hand. It was a bit cold, so he simply squeezed it.

Zhou Yunyi was eager to know what was going on, but she could only hold back and wait until the students left.

The students moved their stools and left in twos and threes, still talking about today's live broadcast and laughing all the way.

Not long after, only the staff cleaning the stage and Zhen Shuai were left on the playground.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yunyi asked in a low voice, "The bomb... is it real?"

Zhen Shuai held Shen Xingdu's hand and felt scared for a while. Fortunately, he had a system and Shen Xingdu, otherwise ...

He did not answer Zhou Yunyi's question, but said in a serious tone, "Sister Zhou, just pretend that what happened today never happened." Zhou Yunyi looked at the two of them and sighed, "I know, some things are not mine

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