Chapter 120 - 121

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Chapter 120 Let’s go 

This kind of treatment is not much worse than that of celebrities.

"Each friend is assigned a car, with a cameraman and two bodyguards traveling with you. There are walkie-talkies in the car. It doesn't matter if some friends can't drive, the bodyguards can drive. Next, we divide into groups, and each two The friends are in a group."

Yu Ji rubbed his hands, "Commander, is it a male and a female group? As the saying goes, men and women work together so that the work is not tiring..."

Zhen Shuai glanced at him and said that he was worthy of being a host. It’s better to have fun if you know how to do it.

"Brother Yu Ji, your expression is so vulgar!" Ying Yiyi hid her mouth and snickered.

Zhen Shuai raised his eyebrows slightly. Ying Yiyi cooperated well, although she was a little nervous.

Peanut "provoked" maliciously, "Yu Ji, I think it is necessary to remind you first that Jie'er is a married woman." "I don't believe

you don't want to be with a girl. That's okay, just in case you guys You will be in a group with girls and I will be in a group with men. You can switch with me." Yuji was happy with disapproval.

The other four men laughed in silence.

Zhen Shuai saw enough excitement and took out ten small paper balls from his pocket, "Each paper ball has a number, 1 and 2 are in a group, 3 and 4 are in a group...and so on." "Wait a minute." Time passes quietly

. Glancing at Shen Xingdu, he said, "Commander, don't you and Shen join the group?"


The other nine people looked at Shi Shi at the same time.

Zhen Shuai explained with a serious face: "Classmate Shen and I do not participate in the grouping. The reasons are as follows. First, I am the director. I can open the back door for myself." "Pfft..." "Second, Classmate Shen is a mobile humanoid air


. , I can open the back door for myself."

Audience: "..."

"Third, Classmate Shen is my classmate, and I have the most food, drink, and fun in the car, so I can open the back door for him." "Hahaha

... "

Fourth, Classmate Shen will be embarrassed if he is with any of you. So I feel aggrieved."

Zhen Shuai almost said this, and the audience laughed a few times.

"There's a fifth one, do you want to listen?"

The nine people shook their heads in unison.

The audience in the live broadcast room always has something to say.

"Commander, why don't you just say you don't want to be separated from Classmate Shen? It's not easy to find so many reasons." Zhen Shuai urged, "Let's draw lots." The group results came out quickly, and Shi Guang was paired with Yiye


. , Mi Jie'er is in a group with Yu Ji, I Don't Want to Go is in a group with Peanut, Ying Yiyi is in a group with Wang Wang Angel, Ruoshui Zibing is in a group with Liu Zui.

Yu Ji was severely laughed at by everyone.

Mijiel stared at him coolly until he broke into sweat.

Yuji was about to cry but had no tears. She suspected that Zhen Shuai did it on purpose and looked at Zhen Shuai suspiciously.

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