Chapter 17 - 18

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Chapter 17 The birth of the wealthy female fan group

"Wipe your sweat, the anchor remembers it so clearly."

"Khan, anchor you..."

"[drops of sweat] [drops of sweat]" In a certain household in a residential building, a boy of 17 or 18 years old huddled on the sofa in the corner of the living room and hugged him Laptop laughed, and the rest of the family looked at him like he was crazy.

Zhen Shuai's expression turned confident, "It doesn't matter, because I have a second way. I sent a group text message." The audience was mesmerized and

urged Zhen Shuai to speak quickly.

"The content is like this," Friends, my QQ was stolen today. If someone asks you to borrow money, don't borrow it. These scammers will not pay back the money they owe. Killing with a thousand cuts, luckily my friend won't do such a thing. "

The fans immediately asked:

"Anchor, did you succeed this time?"

"I guess the anchor is going to fail again." "

It will definitely succeed. With all the talk, can you still not pay back the money?" "

Bet a pack. Latiao, it definitely didn't work. This friend of the host is obviously shameless." "

Maybe he just forgot."

Zhen Shuai shook his head, "Do you think my friend forgot to borrow the money? But that's not the case. No. He quickly replied to me and said, "Don't worry, I am the only one who borrows money from others, and I never lend money to others." "."

Audience: "..."

"It made me so angry that I didn't believe it, so I came up with a third way." Zhen Shuai took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, "One day, I told him about my wallet Lost it, and then said sincerely, fortunately you borrowed a thousand yuan from me, otherwise my loss would have been another thousand yuan. Friends, this is straightforward enough, but he just didn’t mention repaying the money. !”

The audience laughed until they were unable to do anything.

"No, I have to ask my friend to watch it together, so that he can also experience the feeling of laughing until he loses his strength." "The anchor is so

fun, I will also go to attract people -" "

I will also go to attract people, maybe my friend After watching the live broadcast, you will remember that he still owes me eight hundred yuan? He is as witty as me." "

Hahaha, you are so funny."

At this time, in the Ace of Spades live broadcast room, Ace of Spades was singing and dancing. This song has a very strong rhythm. Ace of Spades is dressed in a black leather jacket, swaying to the music, and moves with strength and style. Sweat drips down his chin. He is extremely sexy, and is full of temptation, especially for female fans.

Countless barrages on the central screen and the public screen were rolling as fast as the tires of a running car. All kinds of gifts were flying together, and it was extremely lively.

Finally, after Ace of Spades finished singing a song, he took a breath, clenched his fists and shouted: "Where is the applause? Where are the votes? Where are the gifts? Let me see you!" He thought that as usual, as long as he canvassed

votes , tickets floated over, but he soon discovered that the blue bars were moving slower, and there were fewer people buying gifts, and the live broadcast room seemed to be deserted.

He held back his displeasure and asked with a smile: "Don't you like the song I sang today?"

Fans responded that they liked it.

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