Chapter 104 - 105

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Chapter 104 You are mine

Wu Jianxin came to another huge tent, which was a temporary command room. The large screen erected showed the situation of Group A that had entered the second world.

"Director, it has been determined that aerial photography drones using signal boosters can successfully connect to the outside world, and aerial photography drones without signal boosters cannot be used." Qiu Wan saw Wu Jianxin and quickly reported to him, "In addition, Zhen Shuai's aerial photography drone is a brand on the market. It has been carefully checked and there is no problem." Wu Jianxin nodded and stared at the

live broadcast screen, "I understand. Now that we are sure there is no problem, we will send it back as soon as possible. ."


"Also, the expert team has asked several times, when can they go in?" At this time, Qiu Wan was much more capable than before.

Wu Jianxin rubbed his forehead with a headache. This live broadcast is really harmful. The secret that originally only belonged to the police became known to everyone. Domestic biologists, physicists, astronomers, etc. who were summoned by the state rushed here happily and started working noisily as soon as they arrived. Experts who have not received invitations do not mean that they are not outstanding. Their research institutes in the imperial capital cooperate with the experts here. Fortunately, foreign experts were temporarily stopped by the state. Otherwise, the pressure on their special investigation team will be even greater. But then again, Zhen Shuai discovered that this small world had made great contributions, and the country knew it and did not blame Zhen Shuai.

The longer the delay, the greater the pressure from above. Wu Jianxin himself hopes to start work as soon as possible to seize the opportunity.

He leaned closer to the microphone and asked: "Captain Li, how is the situation inside?" Captain Li is the captain of Team A.

"Reporting to the chief, it is currently confirmed that there are only biological threats inside, and there are no abnormalities in the air or air pressure." "Very good." Wu Jianxin showed excitement in his eyes and ordered Qiu Wanyu to sign, "Notify Special Forces Team B

immediately The protection expert team is leaving!"

"Yes!" Qiu Wan couldn't hide her excitement.

On the other side, Zhen Shuai, Shen Xingdu, and Zhou Yunyi returned to the imperial capital via the highway, successfully avoiding all reporters.

When the car drove into the territory of the Imperial Capital, Zhou Yunyi couldn't help but feel like she was in another world. Before going to your city, who would have thought that she would have such an adventure?

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhen Shuai in the back seat.

Zhen Shuai was lying on Shen Xingdu's lap, sleeping soundly. His long and thick eyelashes cast a faint shadow on his face. His plump lips were slightly opened, and a trace of saliva flowed out, falling on Shen Xingdu's pants. .

In Zhou Yunyi's understanding, Shen Xingdu is a very clean person, but he does not dislike Zhen Shuai's saliva at all. He is worried about waking up Zhen Shuai, so he does not wipe his saliva, and his right arm is still wet. He put it on Zhen Shuai's waist to prevent him from hitting his head when the car bumped.

Zhou Yunyi withdrew her scrutinizing gaze. When the light was red, she pressed down the car window and looked outside.

The outdoor TV in the square was playing a talk show, and the theme of the show was "The Second World."

The expert wearing glasses was spitting, "In a broad sense, the emergence of the second world is of great significance to extending human lifespan. Once the limit of human lifespan is broken, geniuses from all walks of life can make contributions to the progress of mankind. Make a greater contribution; speaking in a narrow direction, ordinary people like us can live longer in the future..."

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