Part 9

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Y/n Pov

I declare myself to be blind direction. Why are there so many lanes inside the noah mansion. I know the noah mansion is big and spacious but this is illogical. How can a mansion be this big!!!

Right now, I'm inside some kind of instrument room. There's so many musical instruments inside and there's a black piano at the center of the room.

Instinctively, I approach the piano and press a single key. I miss playing piano. It's been such a long time since I last play the piano. Nea used to teach me playing the piano back then. I wonder if I still remember to play it.

I sit on the chair in front of the piano and started playing the only song that I've been taught by Nea.

Tyki Pov

I barge into the dining room startling all of the other noah.

What the hell Tyki! Can't you open the door slowly you will break it. Ironically, it was Devit who scold him.

I don't have time for your scolding.
Y/n is missing. I told them.

What!!! Why did you let her out of your eyes. Didn't I told you to always keep an eye on her. Road ask looking at me incredulously.

I know. I know. She just behind me for a second. When I turn toward another corridor she's already gone.

What are you all making a ruckus for? The Millennium Earl ask all of us.

Um, how do I say it. Y/n has gone missing. I said to the Earl.

What did you mean by missing Tyki. He asked me with a low voice tone. Making me gulped in fear. Before the Earl can be mad at me we suddenly heard the sound of piano being play.

This song!! It's the 14th song. Said the Earl, shock at hearing it.

The Earl suddenly running toward the instrument room. All of us, were following him without thinking.

And there she is playing the piano while singing without a care in the world. Her face were serious. This is my first time seeing her this way. She looks elegant and beautiful. I shake my head at that thought. I mean even Skin bolic stop eating his sweets candy to hear the song.

For some reason, the noah inside of me were calm by hearing that song. All of us just standing outside the room including the Earl waiting for her to finish the song.

After 4 and a half minutes passed, Y/n stop playing the piano. When she's about to stand she suddenly fell forward pressing the keys on the piano making a horrible sound come out of the piano

Ow. Did I just trip over my own feet. I heard she said to herself.

Hahaha. Road laughing loudly making Y/n look confuse searching for the sound and she look red as tomato when she saw all of us watching her embarrassing herself.

The Earl who had been quite the entire time finally speak. Did Nea taught you that song. He ask Y/n.

Yes. He taught me when I was a kid. He teached me to play the piano too. I've been wanting to ask you this Earl. Did you know Nea? She ask the Earl.

Hmm how should I begin. The Earl said out loud. Come with me Y/n i will tell you everything. He tell her.

And thus, everyone were dispersed and going back to do their own business.

Y/n Pov

You can sit here. The Earl said to me.
Do you want a hot cocoa? He ask me.

Yes. Thank you. The Earl suddenly start weeping. What happened. I said shocked at seeing him like that.

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