Part 8

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Y/n Pov

The next day, I follow the Earl to know the truth that he's spoke of.

He said that I only need to watch him. So I did. I see the Earl following a suspicious person into the dark alley. Turn out that person is a murderer. He wanted to erase the evidence by burning the place that the murder take place.

And the Earl took advantage of it and turn him into an akuma. Apparently, the murderer wanted to revive the person that he had killed because of guilt.

Does this mean all the people that have been turn into an akuma were a bad person. But how? I thought innocent human were the one who got turned into an akuma. Ordinary people like us just mere pawn that's have been used by the higher ups. Why did the organization lie about the Earl and erase every story related to the clan of noah.

A sharp pain shot trough my head making me hold my head.

Ughh!! It hurts! Suddenly, I heard someone talking. You must choose the truth if not you will die.
Arghh!! My ears were ringing and I feel myself falling forward before being lifted up from the ground. The pain becoming unbearable that It make me fainted.

Inside Y/n coincsiousness

For the hundred time where am I!!? I can't see anything! It's pitch black. Did I die or get swallow by something?

No you're not dead. I heard someone speak. I turn toward where the voice, searching it.

Then a blinding light suddenly surge toward me making me shielded my eyes.  The light gradually dissipate and I find myself standing in front of a woman with white hair and red eyes.

I'm sorry but who are you. I've been seeing you inside my dream since I was a kid. I stare at her warily.

The woman staring at me silently before she speak. I am the **** and you are the chosen one that will bear the truth of this world.

(What! I can't hear what she's saying clearly!!)

She approach me and she hold my right hand then she said what side are you? The exorcists or the noahs?

I will side with humanity. Whoever in need of my help I will help them. It doesn't matter if they are a noah or an  exorcist, but I will protect the noah because they are my family. Of course I don't want my family and my friends to kill each other. I will find a way to stop this war. Even if I have to sacrifice everything to achieve it. That's my answer. So will you tell me your name again?

This time I heard her crystal clear. Her name is Eve. She's my innocence that have taken shape within my consciousness. It must mean my synchronization rate with the innocence is really high because I've always seeing her inside my dream since I was a kid. Despite feeling scare whenever I meet her. Right now, I finally able to interact with her.

Y/n. You do realize that an innocence cannot coexist with a noah. It's in their nature. That's why you always feel drain and get exhausted easily after using your innocence. I will try to stabilize myself to make space for the dark matter that's been awaken inside your body. And please beware that you can get hurt by other innocence too.

Another woman with dark hair appear beside Eve.

Its surprising to see that an innocence didn't want to turn their owner into the fallen after siding with the noah. She said.

Are you the noah that's residing inside of me. I ask the woman. And she nodd at me.

Then why did you do that to me back there, you your hand inside my chest. It hurts like hell! I yell at her.

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