Part 6

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Road Pov

After the akuma that I send distracted the two dumb exorcist, I kidnapped the woman whose supposed to be the accommodator of the innocence.

Road-sama what do we do with the other exorcist? One of the akuma asked me. Bring her to me. Oh right! that's remind me of who the hell that hurt her. Answer me which one of you that did it? Didn't I tell you not to touch her.

But why Road-sama? She's an exorcist. Before the akuma finish his speech I instruct him to destroy himself. Haih!! stupid akuma.

You with the stupid face bring her to me and don't touch even an inch of her hair or you will die like the other. Do you understand. Yes Road-sama reply the akuma.

Y/n Pov

I find myself standing in the middle of a building. This place seems familiar. Wait! It's the ruin building that I saw inside my dream last week. Except right now it's not ruin?? I took a glance at the environment in this building. It seems pretty vacant. The floor is decorated with a black marble. Suddenly, I heard a familiar song. It was the song that Allen always humming at me whenever I'm having trouble to sleep because of the nightmare.

Walking toward the sound. I find myself staring at someone playing a piano. Through the window, I see the same woman with blue black hair playing the piano. I was flabbergasted by the situation to notice that the woman were walking toward me.

Why do I feel I know this woman. Did I met her before I was 6 years old. I can't seem to remember anything when I think about what happened before I was 6. Now the woman is standing in front of me. I can see her face clearly and the seven black stigma on her forehead.

Seeing her so close with me make me froze in fear. Without a doubt she's dangerous but her face showing a sad expression. Without a warning, she envelope me into a tight hug and said I'm sorry. Before her hand goes through my chest. And then I feel pain exploded inside my body.

Aghhh!! I woke up screaming and clutching my chest. Huff.. Huff.. Breathlessly I try to see where am I. There's a bunch of dolls and toys here and there. And I find myself lying down on a fluffy small mattress.
Are you okay? I heard someone said.
To my left I see a girl with a purple hair and golden eyes worriedly looking at me. Wait a minute golden eyes! All of the memories that happened inside my dream were rushing back to me making me clutch my head grunting in pain.

Who who are you! I asked the girl. She smile at me before she introduce herself as Road Camelot. A sudden flash of memory of someone protecting a little girl flashes before me. My head throb a little making me wince.

Y/n are you okay!! I heard Allen voice yelling! Thats when I realize that he is badly wounded. While Miranda is tied up with her clock and Lenalee sitting on a chair unmoving.

What happened to my friend! I asked the girl named Road. She seems to stare at me before she laugh like she heard something funny.

Oh dear. I'm sorry but thinking about befriending a human is a funny idea. She said sarcastically.

Well I already finish what I wanted to do here let's go back home Y/n. I was beyond confused. What the heck why do I have to go home with you. I don't even know who you are. She seems angry at what I said.

Then she called an akuma out of nowhere and instruct the akuma to bring me back home. I tried read the key word. I tried to use my power to conjure a fire on my right hand when I felt my heart skip a beat before a sudden pain surge through my chest making me curl my body like a ball while vomiting blood on the floor.

What happened to me? My insides feels like it being crushed inside out!! Ahhh!!! I scream loudly in pain before I pass out. The last thing I see were Road and Allen shocked face looking at me.

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