The closing ceremony

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The moon hung heavy in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow over the forest. A silence, broken only by the rustling leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures, enveloped me. But within me there was a storm of emotions that thundered in the depths of my being.

My mind was filled with the thoughts that Amara had left. She probably wasn't going to come back either considering she was reluctant about this whole thing right from the start.

I tried, I've done a lot but if she doesn't want me, what am I supposed to do?

Does it get better if we reject each other?

I tore the neck of the deer with my fangs, ripping it away and spitting it in the other direction. Since the moment Amara left I've been hunting like crazy. It's sort of a desperate distraction for me because I can't seem to keep myself calm.

Each hunt was a desperate attempt to fill my brain with something. I stacked hunts upon hunts, a grim tower of pelts and antlers that mirrored the weight of my solitude. The satisfaction that should have accompanied each successful kill was replaced by a bitter aftertaste, a reminder that no amount of hunting could fill the emptiness she had left behind.

Misery became my companion, and I never would have thought that the mate-bond could be this heart-wrenching. The blood on my paws and mouth made me feel even more bitter and I shifted back, walked to the river, and jumped in to clean myself a little.

Then I took the hunts to the collection point.

"Wow," The person there had his eyes wide open, "You're here again..." He stared at the pile behind me, "I don't think anyone's ever brought this much hunts back..."

"Shut up," I let out a low growl, "And do your job," I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Yes..." He sealed his lips and took the things from me. After I was done, I turned around and jumped back into action. That's what I've been doing till the point I tire myself out.

And so, the hunting spree continued,


The stage loomed before me, a sea of faces in the dimmed hall, their murmurs fading to a hush as I stepped into the spotlight.

The hunt had ended and I was forced into the party hall since I came back with the most kills and points. I did all that to distract myself but I ended up winning too.

I didn't want to be here, I wanted to spend the rest of my time sleeping but my family was awfully persistent even though they noticed my foul mood.

"And here's the star of the Hunt!!" The announcer did his work, "Welcome! Killian Blair!!" The weight of the moment settled on my shoulders, the air charged with a mix of nerves and anger.

What am I doing here? I have nothing to say...

I went and stood on stage where all the lights focused on me. I was presented with the golden flower that I took reluctantly and stared at,

"Well, Killian, you said you had someone you wanted to give your hunts to! Please! As the star of the event, enlighten us!" The chattering of the crowd died down and all eyes were on me while I continued to stare at the flower.


The winner can propose with this gold flower. It's supposed to be a grand event but Amara left, didn't she? When I came out of the forest, I asked Nico and he said she had gone back home.

I rolled my eyes.

Doesn't that mean she's gone for good? Is this her answer?

"Here," The mike was presented to me and I looked at it, then grabbed it.

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