The first talk

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This isn't good.

She seems to have taken a liking to that dud with a man-bun. I brought my thumb to my mouth and chewed my nail.

Oh GOD! I didn't expect things would turn this bad! It was meant to be a little teasing!! All I wanted was for her to come to me and ask me to be her partner! Not to pair up with some other wolf!!

Jealousy was a bitter taste, one that I hadn't expected to feel so strongly. A wave of insecurity washed over me. It was an unwelcome emotion, one that seemed to arise without warning, and I struggled to contain the surge of unease that washed over me.

But every second of watching her smile at another man made my inside burn.

I gritted my teeth

I can't let this continue. I turned around, took off my clothes and shifted. I'm going to need some assistance to get him away from my mate!!!



Logan seemed like a nice person.

"You can paint this," He showed me a view of a clearing with a fawn asleep in it, basking in the sunlight being filtered through the , "It's pretty." I didn't even tell him to but he was helping me out in finding a good view that I could paint.

I shook my head at him, then typed on my phone, 'I have to draw something related to the hunt. Not simple views, or animals sleeping.'

"AH~" He nodded and placed his hands on his waist, "I see," He kept looking around wondering if he could find something better for me.

I smiled when I looked at him. He's such a sweetheart.

"Well," He looked back at me, "We've walked a lot, we can go further in but it's only going to get dangerous from here." He looked at the sky, "The sun will start going down soon too."

I paused at his words as a thought crossed my mind.

'Don't you have to hunt?' I asked, 'You shouldn't mind me,' I felt bad now that I was thinking about it, 'You should focus on your own thing.'


He spent so much time with me and he didn't hunt at all! Hell! He didn't even shift.

But contrary to my worrying, he just chuckled in return, "It's fine, we got three more days!"

'But, you'll be behind other people who started today!'

He smiled looking at my concerned face, "The hunt isn't necessarily about winning," His expression was soft, "It's mainly about getting in touch with our primal nature."


His words made me feel something

I see

I nodded at him.

That was interesting

"Shall we go further?" He extended his hand to me and I nodded but before I could take his hand, something happened.

Out of the blue, the cozy atmosphere of the forest shifted. A low growl echoed through the trees as a guttural warning. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my heart skipping a beat as my gaze darted around, searching for the source of the sound.

Logan found the source faster than me and we both looked North.

Before I could react, a pack of wolves emerged from the bushes, their eyes fierce and their fur bristling with aggression. Panic surged within me, my mind racing to process the sudden threat that had materialized before us. In an instant, the serene forest had transformed into a tense scene.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now