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I couldn't sleep the whole night. Not properly. My mind was filled with things. Especially about Killian.


My heart is wavering. I knew being with him would do that to me, that's exactly why I didn't want to be with him...

But being with him is so strange, there's this bond between us that makes us attracted to each other no matter what. And there's a strange comfort I found in it. It made me wonder. How did our ancestors reject each other? Just how? When this feeling is so strong. How?

I don't think I can do this. Well, not that I can do the rejection process alone but I can't even bring myself to say it...

I know I was distant from the start but it was because I knew we wouldn't work out. But Killian is so persistent. He keeps coming after me.

As I lay under the same space as him, I kept staring at his face and the more I did, the more my heart trembled. We slept in our wolf forms, under a tree with a lot of shade right next to a hill so there was a wall curved around us to protect us from danger. Well, most of the danger since it was still open space.

I stared at the stars in the night and watched as the sky got lighter and turned light blue.

Killian came for me even after I pushed him away, he protected me when I was about to get killed by that tiger too. He's even publicly declared he wants me, even though he hasn't exactly named me, but he has made it obvious he has someone he likes.

He said he wants me and no matter how much I try to deny it, I can't lie to myself. I know I want to be with him. Our wolves are constantly trying to connect. Killian wants to connect too but I'm in the way... 

My feelings are in the way.

The thing is in a society where communication and speech were valued, my silence often felt like a glaring deficiency. How could I ever be enough for him, when I lacked something so fundamental?

There was a nagging voice that whispered insecurities in the recesses of my mind. Why would he choose me when there are so many others who can charm him, other girls who come from good backgrounds. My family background is all messed up and for the most part, I wasn't even in it.

He may claim he wants me. No, he shows it too but would his family allow it? Especially when they learn that my biological father is in a mental hospital, and my mom is marked but living separately, and that she was a mistress??

That makes me a child of a mistress. Anyone would want to stay away from me if they heard all that.

A voice in the back of my head spoke. Grace got together with her mate and she wasn't even being herself. She was deceiving the world yet Eli accepted her.


What am I doing? Grace isn't like me, and Eli's family isn't all happy with her either... So why would Killian's family accept me? They're all elite class werewolves while I'm from a fallen and broken family.

I couldn't help but question my place in his world, a world that seemed so different from my own. My muteness had always been a part of me, but in the presence of someone who could effortlessly express themselves, I sometimes felt acutely aware of the gap that separated us. It was a gap that I feared would widen over time, that my limitations would become a burden to him.

Wouldn't he get tired of me? Tired of always having to look at me to understand what I saying, tired of how I wouldn't be able to communicate with people around him.

He will realize soon enough that none of it is worth it, right?

Will he reject me then?

My heart hurt so badly at those words.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now