Night time

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I looked at him funny, unsure what to say to his proposition, all I could let out was a simple word of confusion.

'What?' He wants me to spend the night with him? Like, sleep with him? Why? Why all of a sudden? Why would he say that out of the blue?!? My heart started pounding at his words and it excited my wolf. She was more than happy to comply and join bodies with him.

But! NO! Not like this! It was too fast!!!

He didn't show any sign of bashfulness and just replied casually, 'The sun is setting, we need to find a place to sleep at night. I want you to stay with me. Nights in the forest can be very dangerous.'


All of my feelings suddenly came to a halt but because of that, I couldn't give him an answer.

'Look,' He took my silence as an answer and started speaking again, 'I saw you with another wolf before, but don't wait for him. Come with me.' He looked confident, 'I'll keep you safe.' He started walking ahead, 'I promise. I'll stay with you till the end.'


That's what he meant. He just wants me to go with him. And 'just sleep' with him nothing more.

'Okay...' I gave him a reply without thinking about it much. On the contrary, there was something else I was focusing on and it had to do with how I felt a little dejected that he didn't mean anything more when he said he wanted me to spend the night with him.

I followed him but I felt a little sad



What am I thinking?!?! Me? Sad? Because he didn't want to be intimate?!?! What's wrong with you Amara! Get a grip!! You wanted to be away from him! Why are you acting like this!?!


It has to be because of the mate bond! I knew it would be trouble to be with him and it's showing!!! The more I stay with him, the more these feelings are growing!



I glanced at him

He's being so nice... Not even once has he brought up my disability and how it could be a hindrance...

I looked away

How could my heart not waver?

'What's wrong?' Killina slowed down, allowing me to catch up to him.

I simply shook my head and kept walking, 'Nothing,' When I caught up to him, we walked ahead together.

'Are you sure?'

I nodded, 'Yes,'


It took me time to find Amara again but when I did, I noticed another wolf with her.


I watched them from behind the trees as the forest had grown dark.

I wanted to approach her but the way they both were looking at each other made me stop in my tracks. They both were walking awfully close as well and it gave me a feeling that there was something between them.

I let out a sigh.

"Well," I stepped back, "I guess this is where I leave..."



It was getting worrying at this point.

The whole day passed but Asher didn't wake up. He didn't even move, he remained dead still in the stance he passed out in and even though it was funny in the beginning, I'm starting to wonder if I added a lethal dose in the water.

I did add more than usual because I thought I'd need more since Asher is an Alpha werewolf. But, did I add too much?

I stayed with him the whole day. I'm not staying with him because of any other feelings, I'm just worried he could get hurt if there's no one to help him out.

I was the one who drugged him after all, so I feel guilty leaving him alone.

Since we're near the river I caught a fish with the help of a sharp stick and cooked it by burning some other sticks. It was a pretty big fish so it was enough for me.

I'm already done with my assignment too so I can leave the forest whenever I want to.

The fire burned over the sticks as I turned to look at Asher. The orange glow danced, casting a hue over my body as it provided warmth.

Asher showed no signs of waking up.

My wolf was very happy that we stayed with him though. She was delighted but wasn't satisfied. She kept pushing me to go over and touch him, be near him, to feel him.

I looked back at the fire. The cracking sound coming from it was comforting and I liked how the fire moved.

But I wasn't going to do that

Nah uh


The night got darker and the sounds of night creatures grew.


I glanced back at Asher

It's not like he's awake... And no one's around...

I quietly approached him. I need to check if he's still alive. I cleared my throat and looked around as if someone was going to see me, then quietly crawled my way to Asher.

First, I waved my hand in front of his face. When he didn't move, I pressed my index and middle finger to check his heartbeat.

Then let out a sigh of relief.

"He's alive."

Then I sat by his side with my knees folded and stared at him. My heart grew restless and the beats got a little faster as I thought about lying next to him. His wolf was big and it would be really cozy to be by his side.

I pursed my lips as my wolf kept telling me to just do it!!

"He's not going to wake up," I had my hands clenched over my thighs, "Is he?" I placed my hand over his tummy which was ¾ facing upwards and waited to see if he reacted. When he didn't, I slid into his arms and lay down next to him.

"I'm not doing this because I want to, I'm only being near you so that I can protect you." I stared at Asher's face as I folded my arms, "Get it?"

He kept sleeping and I took that as a yes


I then closed my eyes as the fire I had started began to die down. It didn't take long for my consciousness to give way to dreams and oblivion after that, maybe because it had been a tiring day. But even in that state of half-awareness, I sensed a subtle shift in the space beside me. A warmth enveloped me, a comforting presence that stirred my senses.

I felt his movement before I saw it – the gentle shift as he settled beside me, his body pressed close. I remained still, feigning sleep, curiosity, and anticipation mingling within me.

As he snuggled close, a wave of mixed emotions washed over me. The tenderness of the gesture was undeniable, and though I pretended not to be fazed by it, it made my heart shiver.

I liked it. It felt nice

His breath, warm against my skin, created a cocoon of intimacy. I could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting echo against my own.

And eventually, I fell asleep.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora