Warning signs

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"Stop it Romano," I pushed against his chest, "Nobody knows that." I did my best to appear strong, "Dad always made sure that no one found out." I didn't meet his eyes. And I know Asher doesn't know either. What I don't understand is why he'd so easily accept that I'm a male and his mate?

Romano moved back, "Of course," He shook his head at me in disgust, "Does it make sense? A male omega? You're not even a man." He stepped back, "Even I don't know what you are." He looked away, "The man Asher mentioned better not be you." I pursed my lips, "Or you're done for."

He turned around to leave while I remained in my place. I didn't move until he was completely out of sight and once he was I let out a sigh of relief

Then took another deep breath and looked up.

"I'm in trouble..." I let out a whisper, then looked straight ahead. I need to get out of this situation! I need Asher to get away from me!! Because if he doesn't, I'll be the one who will suffer! It didn't even cross my mind that I'd get entangled with him like this!

I walked back to my room.

But what can I do?

I need to paint something while I'm here so I can't just stay in the room for four days... That means I have to somehow make sure that Asher doesn't make it to the hunting grounds. If it wasn't for the college assignment, I would have run away the moment I saw Asher was my roommate.

I opened the door with the key card and entered the room.

It was empty.

Asher must be the type to stay out late at parties. I took another deep breath. But that's good for me. I need to plan something before he gets back and I don't really want to interact with him so it's better to go to bed before he arrives.

I looked out the window.

What can I do to make sure Asher doesn't get to the hunting grounds? I paced around the room thinking when my eyes landed on the water bottle beside Asher's bed.



I took out my phone and dialed a number, the other party picked up fast.

"Hey~" Muza answered, "Pretty boy's calling," He laughed, "What? You want roofies?" He joked, "Cause I only got roofies on me."

"Yes," I answered firmly, "I want roofies."

"W-what?" He was taken aback. I even heard him fall off the chair he was on and I'm going to bet he was on his computer chair playing games.

"Yes," I said again, "And I want them now."

"..." There was a pause before he spoke again, "Dude, you okay?"

"I'm fine," I replied, "How fast can you bring them to me, to The Grand Hotel?"

"Bro," His voice was concerned, "You actually want drugs?" He's worried because I was never the type to get involved in things like these. I have a family reputation to maintain after all.

"Yes, and I want them NOW."



Nico looked absolutely terrified...

I hope he gets better by morning. We need to start working on our paintings. Poor him though, his situation is so much worse than mine. He's got his family to worry about.

It would have been so much better if his mate was a female. All of his family would have loved it. Being a male omega means morphing into the opposite sex to your pair. I can understand why Nico is so desperate to turn Asher away, he's afraid of his body changing and he's afraid that his family will throw him away.

They've guarded his secret for so many years, solely because they didn't want anyone to know that their son was an omega...

I was walking back towards my room when a familiar figure came into view. Of course, I immediately recognized Killian. How would I not?

He stopped the moment he saw me but I didn't.

"Hey!" He waved at me but I didn't wave back and kept walking without giving him any attention. I knew my ignorance would hurt him, but what could I do? I had to ignore him...

But as I walked past him he caught my wrist making me stop, "Don't ignore me." He said softly but I didn't give him a reply.

There was just silence in the carpeted hallway.

"You look very pretty." His compliment made me happy but I looked away to hide that. My wolf cooed at his words and craved more of it.

"..." I didn't reply. I simply fear if I start giving him attention, it will get worse for me. I know I would want him, I know I wouldn't be able to resist.

"Are you still mad?" He asked, "I know I forced a kiss on you, are you still angry about that?"

"..." I didn't meet his eyes. I wasn't mad at all. Well, not at him. I was angry at myself, I was angry that I liked it

"Of course you are," He didn't let my wrist go but I heard a sense of desperation in his voice, "I'm sorry,"

His apology made me feel guilty for not responding to him but I am afraid. Is there a way to overcome this fear? It's just so deeply rooted in me, that I can't let it go. I've seen my mother spend her life in a cabin, in a forest, away from people just because of her fated pair.

I yanked my wrist away. I don't want that to happen to me... I don't...


I don't know... I don't have any answers... Killian seems determined but what guarantee is there that this determination of his will last?

He let me go and I started walking again. I felt his gaze on me as I continued to go further away but I didn't look back at him. I didn't have the guts to.

But deep down, I felt bad that I never got to tell him how pretty the dress was even though I barely got to wear it and had to leave the party early.



"Seriously bro?" Muza stood at the window of my room at the break of dawn, "You're making me climb onto your window in a place like this?" He was sweating, "This is the second floor!"

"Here," I handed him a thick stack of cash.

"Hey!" He took the cash as he crossed over the grill, "Doesn't change the fact that I can get caught!" He stepped onto the balcony, "Let me leave through the door!"

"You'll get caught," I replied

"No," He handed me the package, "But I will get caught if I go back the way I came." His breathing was heavy, "The sun is coming up." He pushed me aside and entered the room, then paused.

I turned around and entered the room too but paused when I saw him pointing at the man sleeping on the bed.

"Who's that?" He whispered and I showed him the package in my hands, indicating that I was going to use this 'package' on him.

His mouth hung low, then he scoffed and shook his head at me. Without saying anything further, he walked to the door and left the room. I remained in my place for a few seconds, then looked at Asher.

He came back late, after I had gone to sleep so we had no interaction. But that also means he'll be waking up late.

I walked to the minifridge and opened it.

That also means he's going to crave water as soon as he wakes up since he drank the night before. I opened the water bottles and put the roofies in all of them, just to make sure it affects him no matter which bottle he drinks from.

Then I tightened the bottles and placed them back, quietly closing the fridge.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now