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"So that the artists don't just take pictures and disappear, all of us will be staying with the hunters in the forest for as long as we need for our paintings." Jake briefed the students.

"You all know once the hunters go into the hunting ground, they don't come back till the time they're done, right? Coming back means, they can't go back in, the same will apply to the artists." Amy, our other senior explained.

Nico and I looked at each other in horror.

"You can ask a hunter to pair up with you if you want to paint them." Jake continued, "If you think you're strong enough to fight predators, go ahead alone too but that isn't allowed. You'll probably end up dead, especially if you aren't a wolf,"

"It wasn't like this before," Tina made an argument while Nico and I nodded, but most of the seniors remained quiet.

"You three must not know," Amy started, "But many students cheated, they took pictures and had professional painters make their paintings since there was no one to supervise them here for four days."

"They stayed in their room so no one could catch them either and so the rules this time are different," Jake added.

The three of us looked at each other with a dreaded expression.

"So we're all leaving only when we're done with our basic paintings. We can come back and complete the details though." Amy made another statement, making some of the people relax.

"So," Nico had a disgusted expression on, "We're going to have to carry our artboards, our paper, our colors, our bag and roam around the forest?"

There was a short pause and all the seniors looked at us with a horrific expression. Then they shot their heads at Jake and Amy.

"He's right!"

"We have so much to carry!!"

"And the forest is dangerous!!" The artists were more concerned because only a few of us were wolves, there were more humans among us.

"What do you want us to do, carry our things, place them, then carry them again, then place them, because the hunters aren't just going to stop!!"


"Guys!" Jake raised his hands up, "Guys! Calm down!!" He yelled, "CALM DOWN!!" And everyone shut up, "I'm not done yet." He let out a soft breath.

"You guys don't have to do everything there." He looked at all of us, "We're not taking our boards and charts or paints."

Amy nodded, "We're taking our sketchbooks and raw pencils." Everyone relaxed a little, "Like Jake said, we're only getting the basics down in the forest. Once you have that, you can come back and finish your painting."

"But," Jake pointed at the open field, "You'll all be doing it in the open so no one cheats."

"Can we use our phones?" A senior asked.

Amy shook her head, "The rules say not to because we're not making photographic paintings."

"Everyone is going to paint what inspired them." Jake added, "It can range from what the eye sees to what the heart sees."

"OH~" Everyone nodded.

"You all have an hour to get your things packed and then we all meet in front of the forest. All of you are free to pick any hunter as your partner as long as the other party agrees."

Everyone nodded and dispersed.

Tina and I ran back to our room, we were all given a shoulder carry bag to get our things stuffed into but that wasn't the problem. The forest is full of wild animals, so who can I ask to be my partner?

I wish Eli had come, I could safely ask him and I could have avoided Killian. I get the feeling I'm going to end up with him because I don't really have anyone else. Besides, I can't even talk to anyone else but Nico and him...

What do I do now?

I didn't want to get associated with him but it looks like I have no other choice...



I went back to the room to see how Asher's bed was empty and I noticed the empty water bottle on the floor.

I smiled.

He must have gone to the hospital now since he's bound to be losing his mind. I packed my things and ran back outside to make it to the forest entrance where the hunters had gathered as well.

I was pretty happy but that happiness didn't last long, because just as I got near I saw Asher sitting on the grass near the entrance shaking his head as if trying to wake himself up.

My heart dropped at the sight.

What is he doing here?!??! He shouldn't even be able to!! Doesn't he feel like something's wrong with him??!



My world kept spinning inexplicably, and a persistent feeling of sickness settled in my stomach. Every step I took seemed to be on shaky ground as if the very earth beneath me conspired to add to my disorientation. I thought it might have been the residue of what I drank yesterday at first but now I'm sure it's not that.

I made sure to take the lowest amount of alcohol possible because the hunt starts today, so it's definitely something else.

But what? Unless someone drugged me on purpose, I can't seem to decipher what's wrong.

Despite the dizziness, I was determined not to let it get the best of me. Today was the hunting event, and it was crucial that I participate. I had to hunt and I had someone I wanted to show to the world. Nico doesn't want me but I sure as hell do. I can't back off now that I've felt what this bond does.

If I hadn't gone after him that day or kissed him. I would have rejected him, but fate played things out differently and now I want him no matter what.

I forced myself to get ready, taking deep breaths to quell the queasiness that threatened to overwhelm me. My hands trembled slightly as I kept walking, and my heart pounded as I struggled to maintain my balance. I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden vertigo, but there was no time to dwell on it. I had to push through.

I noticed something yesterday night. When I went on stage and made a speech about him, I saw Nico's face go pale. Killian had already told me where he was standing when we met in the middle of the stairs so I was watching him from the start.

I further saw him get horrified when his eyes met with a family member of his. I didn't know Romano Neer was his brother, not when I first saw the interaction. I had to stay behind at the party to get the information out from other people.

As I made my way towards the hunting grounds, each step felt like an uphill battle. The world swayed around me, and I clung to any stable object I could find for support. My vision blurred at times, making it difficult to focus on my surroundings, yet I pressed on, determined not to let my weakness dictate my actions.

But why? Why would Nico fear his own brother? And exactly at the time when I made that statement? Is his family going to be against this? Is he afraid of that? Is that why he keeps refusing me?

That day I kissed him, he had a bruise then too... I didn't pay it much heed then since it would have been anything but now I'm forced to think if that had to do something with his family as well.

Arriving at the forest front, the chatter and excitement of the crowd only added to my discomfort. I tried to put on a brave face, not wanting anyone to see my vulnerability. It took all my strength to keep my composure, to resist the urge to step back and retreat to the solitude of my home but my head was throbbing.

So, I sat down on the grass and started shaking my head to somehow get rid of the discomfort.

It didn't work

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now