only for you

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a longer one for my chris gals :)

lmk what i should do next!

The guys were packing for tour, all of us in the living room watching as they went through a pile of clothes I had washed for them a few days ago.

"How are you already packed?" Nick asked in disbelief as he folded a shirt and threw it in his bag.

"I packed with Madi last week." I shrugged and threw another chip in my mouth, "We like to be prepared." Thankfully, this tour I'm finally getting to tag along. Earlier this year I was stuck working so I couldn't go with them, but now that my socials are taking off it's my full time job, which gives me freedom to do as I please.

"No, don't pack that." Emily, Chris' little fling, grabbed an orange sweatshirt out of his hand and tossed it to the side, "It doesn't look good on you." I immediately scrunched my nose in disgust at her comment and looked at Nick and Matt, the same expression on their faces.

"What one is it?" Matt asked out of curiosity and grabbed it. It was a simple orange crewneck with a quarter zip. In my opinion, Chris looked amazing in anything he wore, so why was she being such a bitch?

"Gimme it." Nick snagged it from Matt and threw it into his own duffel bag, rolling his eyes in the process. Emily putting Chris down wasn't a new thing, she's been doing it ever since she learned about me and Chris' past.

During senior year, Chris and I almost dated, but when they moved to LA before I did, we called it quits. We both knew long distance wouldn't work and wanted to save any future arguing it could've caused. I thought that when I moved out to LA to live with Madi, Chris and I would've started over, but we didn't. He found Emily and she's been up his ass ever since.

"Are you sure you don't have room on the bus for one more?" Emily ran her hand down Chris' arm and I suddenly had the urge to throw up the pizza we had for lunch. Of course, whenever she made physical contact with him, she shot daggers at me across the room.

"Bus is full." I muffled with a mouthful of chips, "We're gonna have to strap Nick to the top."

"Shut up and give me some." Nick plopped down next to me and shoved his hand into the chip bag, stealing a handful for himself, "I'll strap you to the top."

"Oh my god," Chris had an 'aha' moment and began laughing, "Remember when we—oh my god—when we dragged Y/n and Nate on sleds with the van."

"Yes!" Matt's eyes widened and he began laughing as well, "She was screaming bloody murder!"

"I wanted to kill you guys." I reminisced right along with them and my cheeks began to hurt from smiling so widely. We had so many memories together and I'm glad we get to create more. Putting aside all romantic feelings for Chris, they were all my best friends no matter what, or who, tried to come between us.

"I asked a question." Emily huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Are you sure you don't have room on the bus for one more? I can get the time off work, I can—"

"Y/n already said the bus is full." Nick leaned back and I rested my head on his shoulder, sending her a small smirk. I didn't like being confrontational or purposely trying to create problems, but she's been a snob for far too long.

"Whatever." She stormed through the kitchen and down the stairs to Chris' room.

"Seriously, guys?" Chris' hands fell and smacked against his legs, "Now I gotta choose between defending her or you." He pointed to me and my eyes widened in shock.

"I was just telling her the bus was full. It's the truth." Between all of us going, we barely had enough room as it is, adding Madi and I took up the last two bunks, "I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to piss her off, but she treats you like shit."

chris & matt sturniolo imagines Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ