from a distance (pt. 2)

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Part two let's goooooo

My closed fist was less than an inch away from knocking on the door, but the anxiety in my stomach made me pull away. I knew it was wrong of me to show up out of the blue after months of not talking. I knew the break up was my fault and there's nothing I could do to take the pain away I caused, but I had to try.

The thought of love has terrified me since I was a little girl. After the first time my heart was broken I swore off relationships forever, saying all men were the same. So when Matt came into my life and showed me the purest form of love, I ran. I didn't think I deserved it. I thought it was only a matter of time until he hurt me like everyone else.

"I-I was going to knock, I swear." I stuttered when the front door opened and MaryLou stood in front of me. She looked shocked at first, then her lips formed an excited smile.

"Matthew, there's someone at the door for you."

I froze. The pit in my stomach swirled and twirled. I didn't have time to go over what I was going to say for the tenth time.

The silence was defeating as Matt walked to the open door, our eyes locking onto the others instantly.

"Hi." I said softly, my hands twiddling with one another at my torso. I tried fighting the smile I felt and failed miserably.

"Hey." He slid outside the house and shut the door behind him, "I thought you had that show this weekend?"

"I do," I answered quickly, "Well did. I left as soon as I could to get here 'cause I know you guys fly back to LA in a few days and I didn't want to risk not getting here in time. Do you guys still go back and forth? I wasn't sure if you—"

"Breathe before you trip over your words." Matt joked and I laughed nervously, "You okay? You seem anxious."

"I thought I had this all planned out and now that I'm here I have no idea what I was going to say." It wasn't a lie. On the drive here I went over what I was going to say, but now my thoughts are jumbling together and if I speak I'm scared I might tell him my coffee order instead of my feelings, "I'm just gonna go. I'm sorry."

"Wait, hey, no." Matt followed me down the small sidewalk leading from their door to the road, "I wanna know." His hand caught mine as it swung and I spun around, nervous tears lining my eyes, "Please?"

"Okay, um—" I brought my hand back to me and wrapped them in front of my chest, "When I was sixteen I dated this guy, he was great at first. He, uh, he'd take me on dates and hold the door and all that stuff. Then one day he changed, he started ditching me and stopped telling me he loved me. I kept thinking I was the problem."

"You've never told me that before.." Matt was genuinely paying attention and soaking in every word I was saying.

"Turns out he was cheating on me the entire relationship. It broke me. I spent months crying myself to sleep and decided I'd never let anyone in my life ever again." I took a deep breath and wiped away the single tear falling down my cheek, "I met you and that's when everything changed. I started living again. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am today. These past couple months I've had some of the best moment of my life, but I still feel so fucking alone. Every day all I want to do is call you and hear your voice. I want you to tell me about your day and tell you all about mine. I wanna know what you had for lunch, what made you laugh, what made it good or bad. I just—" I wasn't sure when the tears started again, but they were falling, and there was no chance of stopping them, "I want you."

Matt's eyes were swelling with tears as well, a grin on his lips, his gaze full of love as he looked at me, "Took you long enough." As he lifted me into a hug I let out a cheerful giggle, letting my legs wrap around his torso.

"I love you." I've never been so sure of something in my entire life.

"I love you, too." My feet were returned to the ground and he grabbed my jaw gently in his hands, "From any distance."


Guys, I'm not gonna lie, I really wanted to end this super fucking sad. Like that shit would've made ME cry if I wrote it all out. But it was requested to end on a happy note so here we are <3 I know it's not perfect but I hope you enjoy anyway my lovelies!

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