need you

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welcome to my first chris sturniolo imagine. i randomly started typing this and decided to post it so i had something published. i'm also considering making this book for both matt and chris so if you're reading this, lmk :)

I felt my phone go off in my sleep and shoved it under the pillow, doing my best to ignore it. Then it went off again, then again. By the third time I found myself swiping my hand around until I grabbed it and hit the unlock button.

Are you up?


Wake up

I'm up
*read 3:14 am*

I wasn't sure what my boyfriend could need at this time of night, but whatever it was, I was awake now. Although I hated being woken up, I was worried it was something serious so I watched my screen like a hawk waiting for him to respond. Ten minutes went by with no response, so I texted the groupchat.

Triplets & their sidekick

Why did Chris triple text me?

He's throwing up in the bathroom

Come over

I let out a long sigh and pried myself from my warm, comfortable bed. Knowing I'd probably end up spending the rest of the night there, I grabbed my backpack and threw in an extra pair of clothes, phone charger, and my giraffe stuffed animal. Although I'm nineteen, the plushie held sentimental value to me. Chris won it for me at a fair on our first date, it came everywhere with me.

On my way

I turned the key to my ignition and began the fifteen minute drive to their house. I've driven this route so many times I swear I could do it with my eyes closed, despite how dangerous that would be. Two years ago I used to be dependent on my gps, now it was second nature.

"I'm here!" I announced while opening the door. I heard some commotion down the hall, the brothers' voices mixing together along with a few laughs here and there. As I walked to the bathroom door, I sat my bag on the floor and braced myself for whatever was on the other side.

"Give us a sec!" Matt called out after I knocked, "Y/n's here." I heard him tell Chris, his voice quieter than before. A tap on my shoulder made me turn my head to see Nick handing me a glass of water and two pills.

"If I hear him throw up one more time, I'm gonna throw up myself," I stifled a laugh at his words and took everything from him, "Night!"

"Night!" I responded. Nick disappeared as fast as he arrived, not wanting to hear what was going on. I don't blame him, I don't exactly enjoy hearing other people be sick either, "I have meds and water. Can I open the do—"

"No!" Chris cut me off and I heard his voice echo through the room. He sounded exhausted and his tone sounded weaker than usual, "No." He repeated.

"Bro, let her help," Matt encouraged, "Quit being a baby and let your girlfriend take care of you." I knew how stubborn Chris could be, especially when he was feeling under the weather. I gently kicked the door open with my foot and saw Chris hunched over the toilet, Matt standing over him with exhaustion in his eyes.

"Your nurse has arrived," I joked and showed him the cup and meds, "Stop hurling for a second and take these." Chris rolled his eyes and swiped the pills from my hand, taking the glass as well to wash them down.

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