fuck europe

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not my best work but enjoy anyway? <3

"Europe?" Nicks voice cracked as he read the offer letter they were passing around. I had been accepted to study abroad in Europe for a year, it's been my dream since middle school. All the hard work and restless hours had finally paid off, my first year of college was going to be in Europe.

"How long have you known?" Matt asked when he finished skimming over the congratulatory letter.

"A couple weeks," I explained, "I didn't want us to be sad and doing extravagant things just 'cause you all knew I was leaving." I then looked to Chris, who quickly wiped his cheek as he read the letter. This was the one thing I didn't plan, saying goodbye to him.

"How could you not tell me?" He looked up with hurt in his eyes. I went to reach for his hand, but he took a step away and sat the letter onto the table, "How could you not tell me?" He mumbled again as he turned around and walked away. My jaw hung partially open as tears swelled in my eyes.

"This is a good thing, Y/n," Nick pulled me into a hug as I stood frozen, "You guys are going to be fine."

"He'll get over it," Matt stood in front of me to stop me from staring blankly, "You guys have been together forever. What's a year apart?"

"Everything," I whispered, "It's everything, Matt."

*three days later*

My things were packed and ready to go. My sister stood in the doorway of my bedroom with one of my suitcases, "We gotta go or you'll miss your flight."

The last three days all I've been doing is overthinking and regretting my decision. Chris hasn't called or texted, not even once. Not to say 'good luck', 'I love you', or 'I'm gonna miss you'. Nothing. Absolute radio silence. My heart felt empty thinking of the possibility of losing him, I didn't want to say goodbye. I wasn't ready. I don't think I'll ever be ready. As soon as him and I learned what love was, we knew we felt it for one another, and it's been pure bliss since. Of course, we have our arguments and disagreements, but every day ends with a kiss and an 'I love you', no matter how bad the fight was.

Chris' pov

"How the fuck could she just leave!?" I paced around the living room, ranting, "She knew for weeks and she didn't tell me. We tell each other everything!"


"Shut up, Matt," I cut him off and he sighed, sitting back down on the couch, "I have loved this girl for four years and now I'm losing her."

"Who said you're losing her?" Nick tilted his head at me, "Why does her moving automatically mean you two are breaking up? Distance only makes the heart grow stronger, Chris."

"I don't need fucking poetry, I need my girl," I looked at them both, "I need her to be here, with me."

"I'm not saying this to take sides, but she's been chasing this idea since, like, eighth grade," Matt pointed out, "If she stayed, she's not doing it for herself, she's doing it for you, bro." I felt a wave of guilt wash over me when I realized I've been so wrapped up in my own anger that I haven't even properly said goodbye. Y/n was leaving for Europe and I haven't given her an ounce of my attention.

"What if she stayed?!" I looked excitedly between them both, "What if I got her to stay!?"

"Don't be selfish," Nick argued, "She's gonna come back—" He cut himself off, "I mean, she should be coming back. She might fall in love with Europe and decide to—"

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