Chocolate chip pancakes

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Mia's POV

I woke up next to her. I noticed her one arm was wrapped around me. I was laying on my back and she had her head on my chest. I took her phone out of her pocket and took a picture of us. I slipped it back into her pocket and moved her head gently off of my chest onto the pillow next to us.

I got up and went downstairs. I checked to make sure my parents weren't home. She had slept over all night.

Thank god they're on a business trip.

I made us pancakes for breakfast. Blueberry for me and chocolate chip for her. I remember back in 8th grade we were in the same cooking class. We had the choice between blueberry or chocolate chip pancakes and she chose chocolate chip. I chose blueberry and told her that it tasted way better. We argued about which type of pancakes were better.

We never figured out which were better. We just have our own opinions. Hopefully chocolate chip pancakes are still her favorite.

After making breakfast I brought it upstairs and surprisingly she was awake. She glanced over at me as I walked through the doorway.

"What's that?" She asked me with a puzzled expression pointing to the plates.

I handed her plate to her and sat down next to her, "It's chocolate chip pancakes, hopefully they're still your favorite?"

She smiled. "Wait, how do you know these are my favorite?"

"I have my ways."

"Well, thank you Mia!" She exclaimed excitedly biting into the pancakes. "Wow, this is delicious." She said somewhat mumbled while chewing.

Someone chewing loud or chewing with their mouth open usually bothers me. But she does it not so annoyingly?

I ate my own pancakes. She finished hers quickly and thanked me again.

I gave her a confused look, "Why're you thanking me? It's no big deal! It's just pancakes."

She looked down at the ground. "Well, I always have to cook things for myself. To be honest, I don't know how to cook really," she nervously laughed once and continued, "all I can do is make ramen, mac and cheese, or throw a pizza in the oven. And I've only made tacos like twice." She sighed. "Anyways, nobody really ever makes meals for me, so I appreciate it."

"Well, you're welcome! I'm surprised though, you don't know how to cook?"

She seemed almost ashamed. "Well, no." She sighed, "I never was taught, but I manage."

"Well I can teach you if you want me to, Woods."

"Wait," she paused and looked up at me smiling, "really? You'd help me?"

"Yeah of course! When would you wanna learn?"

"Right now?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure! What do you wanna learn to cook?"

"Mmm, maybe bacon?"

"Sure, we can do that, it's quite simple. Come on," I said grabbing her hand and pulling her off the bed.

We went downstairs and I got out bacon, seasonings, and a pan.

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