Didn't go as planned.

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Gigi's POV
An hour earlier..

"You guys need to go!"

"Why would we need to go, we got here only a few hours ago?"

"Because! My mom would be really mad if you guys were here without her permission."

Jasmine stepped in the middle of all of us, "Since when has she ever cared about us being over?"

Talia shrugged, "Well, I can't really answer that. Listen guys, I'm going to be busy. Please leave?"

Jasmine, Kale, and I exchanged weird looks at each other. I sighed, "Okay, we should probably listen to Talia and leave. It is her house and we shouldn't be here unless we're allowed to be. We might as well respect her."

"Since when do you give in this easily?" Kale shot me a suspicious look.

I widened my eyes to send him some sort of sign to go along with what I was planning, "I feel bad, we obviously need to just respect Talia's boundaries and be good friends." I really emphasized the word 'obviously'.

Jasmine looked really lost. Although, she was pretty slow when it came to these things. Or maybe she was just a little dumb all the time. Then I noticed her expression change, "Ah, yeah, we should, you're right Gigi. Let's go guys."

"Bye love ya' Talia!" I had shouted as we all ran down the stairs and slipped out the door shutting it behind us as quickly as possible.

We all headed to my car quickly.

"What's your plan?"

I looked at Kale and shushed him.

"Stop being so loud! Wait until we get in the car. She's gonna watch us 'leave' her house." 

We all got in the car. I started driving and went a few streets away then parked.

"Sooo, what's your plan?" Kale repeated.

"Ugh you're impatient, calm down. So, basically, we don't know why Talia is shoving us out the door! We obviously know her mom never gives a shit if we're here. My idea is to spy on her while whatever she plans is going on. I have a feeling she's gonna have a person over."

"Are you serious?" Jasmine exclaimed, "That's crazy Gigi! What if she's hooking up with someone! I don't wanna see that!"

"Ew barf."

"Oh guys shut up, my plan is brilliant. I highly doubt she's gonna hook up with anyone, and if anything, we see any close body contact, we dip immediately. Deal?"

They both nodded.

We got out of the car and went back to Talia's street. We did what most people would do in any cliche high school movie or tv show and hid behind a tree.

"Are we seriously hiding behind a tree right now? This is the dumbest idea ever! This would never work in real life!"

"Well it's the best idea we've got if we want to know what's up with Ta-" I got cut off by a hand going over my mouth.

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