Quite clear.

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Mia's POV

I was wondering what the hell went through my mind when I decided to do everything I did. I mean I was trying to play her but it would be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I'm glad she didn't make it as awkward as it should've been. That sort of thing is highly embarrassing. Now all I needed to do was go to sleep for the night. At least when I sleep I can ignore all the issues that happen in reality. But when I wake up, not so much. Now, to go to sleep.

I tossed and turned for what seemed like forever. God damn, I can't sleep. I got up out of bed and went down to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I checked the fridge. When closing it I swung the door shut and behind it was TALIA? No. False alarm. My mom.

What would Talia even be doing in my house? Am I going nuts?

"Oh, hi mother. You scared me."

"And what do you think you're doing up at this time? With that?"

I looked down at the water bottle in my hand and mumbled the most random noises out of my mouth and stuttered an unbelievable amount. "Uh- uh, uh, I- uh, huh?"

My mom demanded I went to my room and took the water out of my hand. Could I really not have anything? I didn't get why she was so strict about what I had at specific times. I should've just asked her but then she'd yell at me for waking her up.

It was so difficult to do anything. I walked back to bed and went to sleep. This time it was easier. Crying was like the medicine for sleep. Don't get how that works but it does.


I walked into school. I wasn't quite ready for it as I walked past Talia when she was opening her locker. She looked up at me and I waved. She gave me a confused look and rolled her eyes. She continued what she was doing and I just went to my locker. Well, I guess at school we still need to appear as enemies. I mean, we kind of are but lately it's been different.

I don't know what to think. Our rivalry has been going on forever but it hasn't been like that lately.
As much as I love arguing with her, I haven't minded this new sort of bond we have. She's so interesting and I want to know more about her.

But she doesn't really seem interested in knowing about me.

I walk to my first class of the day. English. Like every other class, it's boring as hell. Well, besides gym. But now I don't have a boyfriend to stare at.

I guess I'll have to find someone else to stare at until I date someone again. Honestly, when we broke up it didn't even phase me. I was just afraid that my popularity would go way down without him. That's one of the main things I cared about. I had to be better than Talia.

After English and sitting across from her, I headed to gym. YAYYYY GYM. I loveeeee gym. It's so much fun. I don't get why people hate it so much? As long as you don't have it first thing in the morning.

I walked into the locker room and got changed. Talia was also changing nearby. I tried not to let my eyes gravitate towards her. I wanted to look at her. Not in a creepy way of course. Even if she was changing, which sounds creepy in any sort of situation you put this in, she wasn't undressed fully. She was in shorts and a sports bra. It's not like I'm some perve.

She glanced up at me in the middle of tying her shoes and I quickly turned away.

I could hear her chuckling to herself. Her laugh was pretty. Just like her. I hate to say that but she's always been extremely gorgeous no matter what she's doing.

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