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Interesting. Currently I'm stood outside my house, holding a small letter addressed to me. Obviously I already know it's from Y/N, as I saw her put it in when she thought I was out with my friends, but it's contents are a mystery to me. Amazingly, for something that seems so secretive to her, she has yet to even think about the letter. If I were any less familiar with her I'd think she forgot it.. or.. actually she probably did. Never mind on that then. At least I'm less nervous now, it can't be anything that important if she forgot it right?

I take the letter, along with any other mail addressed to me, up to my room and sigh after setting them on my bed. I should probably be banned from online shopping sites, but whatever. It's mostly new clothes anyways, seeing as Y/N just loves to poke fun at me for my current garments. She better appreciate my efforts to not be a "fashion disaster", her words not mine.

After a few minutes of opening, appraising, and trying on my new clothes I finally reach the letter. What could be so awkward she couldn't bear to ask in person? Well I'm about to find out, so I guess it doesn't matter.



Oh dear.

Yes this is.. I wasn't expecting this. I mean, I guess I should have known this was coming based on the nature of our relationship. It's just, she's always been so quick to deny the idea to herself that I never thought she'd actually ask me.

I've been waiting for this. I don't think I realized it, but I have been. I haven't even processed it yet.. what do I say? If I respond immediately will I come off as too eager? If I wait too long will she doubt my love? Why am I worrying about this?? I need to go see her, not overthink.

Throwing on my shoes and discreetly teleporting to her house, I ponder what I'm going to tell her. Obviously I'll say yes, but then what? I hardly even understand these feelings of mine and now I have to explain them to someone else? To the one they're about? Speaking of feelings, there's a new one peeking through: nervousness. That's so irrational, she confessed first. Am I seriously nervous that she's going to take back her confession? I'm a psychic for gods sake! I know she won't! But still...

No. I can't doubt myself now, she's almost home and I don't want to ruin this.

Right on cue the door swings open and shut with a silent Y/N accompanying it, obviously not taking notice of me yet.

"Damn door making loud fucking squeaks.. I'll call Kusuo over to help me fix it later or something.." She mutters to herself bitterly.

Y/N sets down her stuff and, after turning around, finally realizes I'm here.

She looks up at me with a smile, "Hey Kusuo, what's up?"

Does she still not remember? Oh well, might as well remind her.

I reach to my pocket and pull out the slightly torn envelope, watching as simultaneously the color drains from her face and her cheeks flush a bright red. If we weren't about to have a serious moment I'd probably say something snarky about it, maybe later.

"Oh.. haha.. almost forgot about that.." She slightly backs away, seemingly unaware she's even doing it. "Look just.. ignore that. It was late at night and I was just being dumb.."

Seizing the opportunity, I retort "Then I guess I'm dumb for feeling the same way?"

Instead of responding she adopts a slight smile and stops retreating. The smile is immediately abandoned and replaced with, albeit joking, anger, "KUSUO YOU IDIOT THAT'S NOT ROMANTIC AT ALL!!"

"Neither is calling me to fix your door, which I'll do tomorrow if you're free."

"Ugh whatever. Yes, I'm free. Say something romantic."

I chuckle a little, she always knows how to ease the tension. That's what I love about her, I never have to try to be someone else for the sake of preserving a moment. Right, I'm supposed to be wooing her.

"I like you a lot."


"...I love you, if that counts."


Boyfriend. That's so weird to hear, I never thought anyone would be calling me that but here we are. I'm her boyfriend and she's my girlfriend. I guess I have to take her on a date soon don't I? Where can I take her? Nowhere seems impressive enough, not when you're a psychic who can teleport anywhere in the world with very little effort.

Well, I have one idea.

"Hey Y/N, want to go to a cafe?"


love writing my chapter titles being all spiteful about their relationship taking so long as though it wasnt completely my choice. Anyways Finally these fuckers are dating. god. only Took them 32 chapters. Lord I Hate them. (i dont 💝 spread love 💝)

Short chapter sorry writers block is a motherfucker. Anyways umm eat up

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