sick and fucking crazy

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So... I was forced to suffer the consequences of having a very weak and sad immune system this week. I don't know what I did to piss it off but I certainly did, badly too.

The gods alerted Kusuo of my ailment. One moment I was sleeping in my room peacefully, the next I was fighting off whatever weird ideas came up to my head about Kusuo. Not the usual weird romantic thoughts, no, something far more sinister.

By the way, all this time I've spent explaining my situation to you I've been talking to Kusuo about... something? I don't know I was focusing on a mental recap but words have definitely been coming out of my mouth.


This girl is going to be the end of me I think. I came over to take care of her because I thought it would be a nice thing to do with the added bonus that her uncouth thoughts would cease. Letting myself in to her house has become a bit too natural to me, but that's a problem for a later date.

Being a psychic, I get the privilege of hearing both of her nonsensical ramblings. The "words coming out of [her] mouth" were 3 minutes worth of attempting to convince me she's a real pirate who lives on the ocean.

"...And they took my fucking LEG Kusuo!" She whines, looking like she might genuinely start crying over her pretend pirate leg.

What do I do? Should I comfort her? Play along? All of the above? "That's unfortunate. Why do you have two right now then?" I ask, gesturing to her two perfectly fine legs that are NOT pegs.

"That's my dark secret...." She mutters whilst staring at nothing in particular. I need to get to work healing this girl or I'm never going to understand another word she says. Good grief, since when have I cared this much about other people? If it was Teruhashi who got sick would I do this? Yumehara? What's so special about Y/N? By all accounts she's just a normal girl, which I do enjoy, who can get a little too excited, which I enjoy far less.

I get off of her bed where I had been sitting and make my way downstairs. Initially she tried to follow but one gentle flick to the forehead was enough to keep her down. Her kitchen is all too familiar to me, it feels like second nature as I scurry around the kitchen and grab ingredients. Chicken noodle soup is what's on the menu, hope she doesn't fight me on this decision too hard.

Oh, she fell asleep. Guess there's no one to protest against the soup, then. While I'm waiting on the soup why don't I share a fun fact with you?

As a mind reader, I also have the ability to more or less see people's dreams. I have a little more control over this one and am usually able to not use this specific power, but with Y/N I can't. Her messing up my telepathy seems to be a running theme. Anywho, ever since she got sick she's been having some weird-ass dreams. The term fever dream is an understatement, this is the kind of crap you'd see if you took LSD and shrooms at the same time. Thankfully she hasn't started dreaming yet, my hope is that the soup will be done before that happens. Sadly, despite my monologue, only around ten minutes have passed. What's another topic? ...I guess I'll resume my earlier train of thought.

'What makes Y/N so special to me? Why, of all the girls I've met, is SHE the one I get a crush on? It's not like I was forced to be around her and got attached... maybe that's exactly why? She never forced me to be around her. She never came to talk to me in class, she never sat with me at lunch, whenever she did initiate anything with me she always gave me the option to say no and respected it. She also does things for me out of goodwill. She genuinely doesn't think I notice but I do. I notice how, after learning my favorite flower, they started popping up in her garden. I notice how, no matter what her food situation is, there's always something suited to my taste left in the fridge. Hell, I even noticed how she slowly stopped wearing really bright colors once I told her that they occasionally give me a headache. She makes an effort to make me comfortable, even if she's loud and annoying while she does it. Do you think she notices the things I do to? Do you think she's noticed how much calmer I am around her? How much I take care of her? How I'm only like this for her?—'

Right on time to stop me from getting too mushy and out of character, a timer sounds off. The soup is done.

I bring it up to her room and gently shake her arm until she's awake.


"I'm not a dog" She says, and yet she still opens her mouth for me to feed her. It makes me feel weird. I know now that the feeling is something to do with romance, but that only makes it weirder. I'm experiencing something entirely new to me and yet I don't hate it. I feel nervous and excited at the same time. If I could freeze time I think that I would right now. I'm sat at the edge of her bed, feeding her and caring for her as if there's no one else on the earth. The sun is peeking in from her window and just a slit of its light is shining on her, illuminating her hair and eyes.

"Oh wow."


saiki says oh wow at reader cliche sorry i had to

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now