another week

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I don't want to admit it, but I'm starting to worry about L/N more than usual. I've been going over periodically to help her study, and nothing ever changes in her house. It's always the same desolate setup, very little furniture with plastic animal toys scattered everywhere (her fault).

Today was another instance of us going to her house to study, and yet again on our way there she thought something to herself about how her parent's wont be home for another week. She's been saying this for the last three weeks, and I can't tell if she's delusional, lying, or both.

She opens her door and, big surprise, her house is empty as ever. I make a mental note that there are now small dinosaur figures accompanying the animal ones.

"I have a question."

"Yes?" she responded, rummaging through her kitchen for whatever food is left 'Looks like I'll have to go buy food after Saiki leaves'

"Where are your parents?" When I ask the question, I study her face to see if it would give away any emotions

She thought for a second, "They should be home in another week"


I probably don't look convinced, but that's fine because I'm not.

Eventually we stop studying and we're just hanging out. I'd rather not be here right now, but you have to understand that I don't like this girl very much. I think I could tolerate her, but ever since we had our first interaction her thoughts have plagued me. Loud and unrelenting, which is frankly absurd.

'Could she be a psychic?' I ponder briefly before brushing it off, that's a stupid question.

Coming back from my thought I realize she's been staring at me for the last minute.

"Can I help you?" I ask, which results in her jolting up slightly.

"..No sorry, I was looking at your hair and zoned out" She states, which is a good enough answer for me. I don't care to bring the conversation on any longer, so I simply nod and stand up. Wait, why was she looking at my hair?

"Is there something in my hair?" I can't just let there be something stuck to my head, even if it means reigniting our dull chatter.

"No, it's just a good shade of pink, and very bright. Eye catchingly bright." She says, still staring at me.

I consider saying something in return but instead opt to continue getting ready to leave.

After I walk out the door, I notice a small garden starting up.



Saiki seemed out of it today. I mean so was I, but it's... weird when it's him. He's been staying over a lot more lately, sometimes even when I don't invite him in the first place. He probably just likes the quiet of my house, not like my parents are around making noise.

Sighing, I lean back and try to recall all that's happened today. 'I went to school, I had a sandwich and some grapes for lunch. Saiki got me the grapes, I'll have to thank him for that.' I snap my focus back to the task at hand 'On the way home I asked him to come help me study for history and we talked for a while.' I pause, attempting to remember our conversation before giving up 'I zoned out at Saiki, and now I'm here.' I mentally congratulate myself for remembering the day's events in enough detail.

Lately I've been noticing that my memory isn't as good as it probably should be, so whenever I get the chance I do a recap of everything that happened.

I sit for a second, mostly contemplating what to eat next before I decide against it all and take a nap.

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now