not sucky, just absent

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Once again L/N and I were walking home together. She seemed a lot more energetic than usual, which shouldn't be possible. Once we get to our houses I drop off my bags and change into normal clothes. I prepare a small helping of grapes for L/N and let myself in to her home.


There was someone else in the house with L/N, an older woman. Could this be her mom?

"Y/N, who is this boy?" the woman speaks up

"That's my friend Saiki!!" She responds

"Why does he have keys to our house..?"

"I trust him not to, like, come kill me in the dead of night! besides, be comes with free food."

I roll my eyes at the free food comment and hold out the bag of grapes, "Speaking of free food, here."

"I thought you were out of grapes?" she asks, taking the bag from my hands

"We got more." the answer seemed to satisfy her and she started shoving grapes in her mouth before remembering she never introduced the woman to me.

"OH SAIKI! THIS IS MY MOM" her mom? I thought her parents were dead by this point. I eye her mother up and down before nodding politely.

Her mom isn't anything like I expected. Call me cliche but I thought her mom would be super cold or distant, but her and L/N were getting along swimmingly.

I stayed for another few minutes before excusing myself to go home, not wanting to intrude on L/N's family time.

"No, feel free to stay! The more the merrier, right?" her mother calls out to me. Great, another problem. See, there's a TV show I really wanted to catch, I wasn't planning on staying at L/N's house for as long as I now have to.

I spend the next while mostly silent, chiming in whenever L/N invited me to. 'I guess it could've been worse. Her mom could've been a psycho or something. Certainly would explain Y/N.' I smile at my thought. I'm so clever.


I look over and catch Saiki smiling. Of course, I immediately made fun of him for it. If I didn't I'd be some kind of monster.

"Spaghetti monster maybe" Saiki mumbles under his breath

"Excuse you? Don't mention that name again unless you want to be her next target." I say, not really caring to find out why Saiki was talking to himself.

"What's she going to do? Leave half eaten spaghetti on my floor?"

"You witnessed that in confidence. You officially owe me one spaghetti meal as payback."

Immediately he got up and went to the kitchen. "I DIDN'T MEAN RIGHT NOW"

I couldn't see his face, but he definitely rolled his eyes at me. I could sense it. Turning to my mom, I spun my finger near my head to indicate that he's crazy and needs to be killed. Mom only caught on to the crazy part, but that was the important half anyhow.


I feel like every time I do something nice for this girl she finds a way to tell me to die. I'd retaliate, but I think it's funny. My main problem right now is not L/N's death wishes, but her mother.

Her mom seems to have the wrong idea about our relationship, she did from the second I had a key to the house. It probably isn't helping my case that I'm now cooking a meal for the three of us. I can't just not cook it though, I don't want to owe L/N anything. I hate being in debt to people, even if it's just spaghetti.

L/N and her mother come towards the kitchen. 'Great, now I'm part of the conversation again' I think to myself sarcastically.

"HOLD ON!!! DON'T MOVE!!" L/N shouts before dashing away to her room. Me and her mother make brief eye contact before she smiles and starts interrogating me about my relationship with her daughter. Good grief, I regret coming here.

"We're friends."

"It's fine if you're not, I'd just want to know about it!"

"there's nothing to know."

"Eh? Are you sure?"


"But she's been talking about you all day?"

I can feel myself blush slightly at the comment. Horrible reaction, body, I don't even like her like that.

"That's nice, still just friends." I state, before L/N comes skittering back like an animal.

"If you fall on your face I'm not going to pity you."

"Awfully bold words for someone in the presence of the owner of 'Alvin and the Chipmunks: 129 nutty knee slappers joke book'."


She triumphantly opens her book and scans a page for a joke to read, she chooses one and turns to her mother. "What do you get if you give a snowman teeth?"

"Very cold teeth" Her mother says, obviously not trying to guess the actual answer.

"So close! It's frostbite!" She says with a stupid grin on her face. I don't like that grin, not one bit, so I do the obvious thing and throw a grape at her face.

"OW" oops. I threw too hard.


"I wish."

"You wish you were as cool as a demon?"

"No, I wish I had permission to kill you."

"......with a grape?"

"Especially with a grape. Anyways, food is ready. Stop talking and sit down." I say, separating the food into three equal portions.

We all eat our food and I watch L/N and her mom talk some more before heading out to leave.

Three days later, her mom left again.


i need everyone to know that the alvin and the chipmunks book is real. Look.


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