happy valentines! burn burn burn burn burn

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It's the ever-beloved Valentine's Day today. Despite the general adoration for the holiday, I've been dreading it. My relationship with Kusuo has been nothing if not confusing. I can't tell if he likes me like that or not. I mean, we DID go on a date, but he totally could've been joking about that! It doesn't help that he's always got that grumpy face plastered on. If I didn't see him up close so many times I'd think it's a mask.

Back to the original dilemma, I don't know if I should get Kusuo chocolates or not. If I did I definitely can't give them to him in class, he hates attention and nothing entices rumors like the quiet kid getting Valentine's chocolate. This means that if, and only if, I get him anything I have to give it to him face-to-face! Talk about embarrassing!!

Eventually I make up my mind that, instead of giving him chocolates, I'll take him out to a fancy cafe and will pay for whatever he gets. I think he'd prefer to choose his own treats rather than something predetermined.

School comes and goes as normally as it can given the circumstances, which leads to right about now. I'm waiting outside the school for Kusuo so that I can ask him.

He looks extra annoyed, being followed my Nendo and.. the other one. Truth be told I haven't gotten roped into Kusuo's friend group. We don't interact as much during school as you may think, which means I haven't had many run ins with his friends. Today is the day that changes, it would seem, because Nendo notices me waiting for Kusuo and invites me to come get ramen with them. I am nothing if not a hungry lady, so of course I say yes. Dessert with Kusuo can wait.

During the walk there I'm mostly silent, trying to spare Kusuo some peace and quiet. I know I'm typically loud and annoying, but that's when we're alone and I can make sure I don't overwhelm him with the noise. These guys already are way louder than I am when I'm pushing it, so silence it is.

Once we reach the restaurant I'm the first to sit and Kusuo immediately takes the seat beside me and sets our bags on the last seat, effectively barring the other two from sitting with us. I haven't noticed until now, but he's always been kind of protective of me. It's cute. Nothing over the top, but he's always looking out for my comfort which is very appreciated. I'll have to thank him for it when we go out for dessert.

Nobody is really saying anything until Nendo pipes up.

"So how long have you and my buddy been a thing?" He asks

Immediately my cheeks heat up as I shake my head "Oh we aren't dating!" I say, attempting to be polite.

"Eh? But he's always going in your house. It's impossible to hang out with him cuz he's always with you."

I glance over to Kusuo and giggle, I'm definitely teasing him about this later.

"We're just good friends, he helps me around the house whenever my parents aren't around!" I explain. It would be nice if they were around in general, but who am I to complain right?

I notice that Kusuo seems a little uncomfortable with all the talk about him, so I attempt to redirect the conversation to the other one. Kaidou, I think it was?

"What are those bandages on your arm for? Are you hurt?" I ask the boy

He gets a weird gleam in his eye and starts to ramble about some reunion and world order and powers.

'Powers aren't real, but at least he's having fun...'

I nod along in an attempt to make a good impression. I mean, they are my crushes best friends! Sure, he complains to me about them constantly, but I'm sure he's said the same things to others about me too. Sometimes I think I understand Kusuo's emotions more than he does himself.

Eventually the conversation starts flowing more naturally and before I know it we're done eating. I stand up and grab Kusuo's hand, leading him out of the restaurant to inform him of his new plans.

"For Valentine's Day I'm taking you to this cafe I heard of."

"That sounds more like a demand than an offer."

"Good because it IS a demand!" I smile

"If you wanted another date you could've just said so."

"Oh since when were you a tease? Let me take you out without it holding any implications." I say as though my heart didn't stop at his mentions of a date. As much as I'd love that, I think I do just want this to be a normal hang out. Is that weird? Dates have romantic expectations to them, and while I wouldn't mind, I don't want there to be any weird tension in the air. I don't want there to be anything hindering us from having free friendly fun.

"Fine, lead the way."


It's evident in his face that Kusuo wasn't expecting the place to be so fancy. The place is well known for their sweets being really high quality, which is exactly what Kusuo would want. Besides, I'm footing the bill so he doesn't have to worry about his finances.

"Order whatever you want, food's on me." I comment whilst I sit down in my booth of choice. I can tell what he's about to say and beat him to the chase, "And no you won't owe me anything. Consider this me paying you back for all the food you've made me."

"That doesn't count, you payed for all the ingredients."

"You spent the time making it"

"I don't want to owe you money, I don't care about time spent."

"Shut up and let me do something nice for you."

"...Whatever. Thanks"

"Wow you're cheery today" I tease, reaching across the booth and grabbing his cheek to pinch like a grandma. The action earns me the most hateful glare I've recieved in my life. 'Totally worth it.'

We take our orders, Kusuo choosing two coffee jellies and me opting for a slice of strawberry cake. Despite having his favorite, I can't help but notice him looking at my cake, seemingly enamored.

I could tease him for this, but instead I decide to be nice and scoop a bite of the cake on my fork and hold it near his face until he gets the hint and lets me feed it to him. He's really beautiful in this moment. I wouldnt usually say that about a person but right now I can. The setting sun is shining on him through the window, getting caught on his hair and glasses. It's illuminating all my favorite features of his as though he were a portrait. Despite my best attempts, I find myself staring at him. Words cannot describe the beauty that stared back. I don't know how to describe it but a part of me just knows. It knows this is love. It knows I love him.


writing dialogue for other characters is so boring 😞💔

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READEROn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara