so thats why you were hot and sweaty you say?

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kusuos pov of last chapter :3


I've been really nervous all day. Is nervous the right word? I've been some mixture of excited and nervous, at least.

Today I woke up with a headache after having a dream of a certain Y/N and I kissing. No, not a dream, that was my precognition power. That meant that at some point today Y/N and I were going to have our first kiss.

I don't like this. Not the idea of us kissing, I've thought about that before, but the emotion that has been kicked up in me with the knowledge that it's going to actually happen. I feel almost like I'm going to throw up in a positive way? Is that possible? Every time I recall the precognitive dream I can feel my face heating up, much like it is right now as I walk around with Y/N.

Oh yeah, I forgot I was walking with her.

"Earth to Kusuoooo what's going on up there?" She asks in a sing-songy tone.

I can't tell her what's going on. First of all, it'd reveal my powers. Second of all, how would she react? I think about gross things, like Toritsuka, to calm my blush down before responding, "Nothing you'd be interested in." That's a lie, of course, but what can I do? I'm not about to admit this to her.

"Sure.." She says, looking at me with a suspicious gaze. She doesn't believe me, but she's not getting anything more.

Changing topics, she offers to have dinner at her house. Oh shit. In the premonition we were on her couch. Oh my god what do I say? Do I want it to happen? Would it be selfish of me to keep her in the dark just so we could share that moment?

She reassures me that I don't need to come unless I want to. She doesn't even know how much I want to. She doesn't know what I know.

As we walk back home I let myself get lost in listening to her thoughts, smiling. She's like a radio station for psychics, always going and easy to listen in on.

'Of course not. I love every version of him'

It takes everything in me not to start smiling like an idiot. She loves me, and the best part is that I love her back. Love is a strong word, but these are strong feelings.

She makes us some soup and turns on kids shows, letting us eat and make fun of them together. She loves it when we do this and I love it just as much, seeing her smile and laugh is like it's own show. A show I'd tune in to every time it airs.

After a delicious dessert I text Mom to let her know that I'm spending the night here. If I don't I might get nervous and leave last second, I don't want that to happen.

As a result we start teasing eachother for a couple minutes before our attention returns to the show, or more mine does. She keeps staring at me. I realize that this is about when my precognitive dream started and turn to face her.

Oddly enough, I don't feel any urges to pull away nor do I feel any to advance the situation. I just want to let the moment take me where it will. I, of course, know where it's going, but nonetheless there's a sense of calm to he found amongst everything.

Eventually she parts her lips again to speak, "Can we um.. Y'now? Kiss?"

If I were any less engrossed in the moment I might make fun or her for her unusual word choice, laugh even, but such urges elude me just this once. Just this once I think I'd like to enjoy the moment.



dark secret i actually fucking hate kisses like they gross me out to no end so ummm Sorry but im not describing their kiss. Use ur imagination i guess.

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