Volume of Unvoiced Verses (Emmanuel)

43 7 2

Author: Asmita9321

Reviewer: Denyefa4

Genre: Poetry

"Volume of Unvoiced Verses" is a captivating collection of poems that delves into the unspoken thoughts and emotions that reside within the writer's mind, beautifully expressed on paper.

First and foremost, I must commend you for the profound emotions infused into your poems. They truly resonated with me, allowing me to connect with your perspective and grasp the messages you aimed to convey.

From the very first poem, the opening line immediately captivated me, evoking the same feelings you experienced. However, I did notice a slight inconsistency in the rhyme scheme. It seemed to follow an "ABAB" pattern initially but shifted to "ABAC" on the third line. I understand the challenge of maintaining a consistent rhyme scheme, but overall, you're doing a commendable job.

In your second poem, I struggled to grasp its underlying meaning. It appeared as though you were more focused on maintaining a rhythmic flow. Remember, poetry goes beyond mere rhyming; it is about forging connections with readers and effectively conveying a message. I had to read the first stanza multiple times to gain a glimpse of your intended message, but the second stanza was exceptionally well-crafted, and its meaning became clear.

Your third poem was truly marvelous. The vivid depiction of the color red and its significance to individuals painted a vivid picture in my mind.

I must also mention that your remaining poems were equally impressive. However, I would like to offer a suggestion that may enhance your writing process. Don't feel obligated to adhere strictly to a rhyme scheme. Instead, prioritize self-expression over wordplay. This will allow your thoughts and emotions to flow more organically.

Now, regarding grammar, I noticed a lack of punctuation in your poems. Commas for pauses and full stops for breaks are crucial elements that contribute to the overall reading experience. They add a sense of rhythm and depth to your work. Consider incorporating them to enhance the journey for your readers.

In conclusion, your collection is undeniably remarkable, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As a poetry enthusiast, I wholeheartedly recommend this book. I'm awarding it 3 out of 5 stars, taking into account the areas I addressed above.

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