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The warm sun rays peeked inside the room. Their bright morning spark falling right onto a face half buried into the pillows. "Fucking hell! Who left the curtains open? What nonsense is this?" The boy woke up grumbling in distaste. Waking up to such bright light on his face was something he abhorred. A very beautiful morning!

"Oh my! You're married now Taehyung. Get your shit together." He mumbled to himself when his eyes took notice of his ambiance. He was all alone. The pillows that were once placed in a neat line between them were now scattered on the other side of the bed while Jungkook's comforter was on the floor.

"Did that fool fall or something?" Confused, he crawled a little towards his left but sighed when he found no one on the floor. Wait! Was he dejected to be alone? No! That can't be possible. He was just hoping for some morning entertainment. That's all it was.

"Good morning to me then." He finally got down stretching his torso in the process. His lazy body slowly made its way towards the restroom. A tired yawn escaped his mouth before he finally looked into the mirror. It was then that his sight caught something.

Good morning Taehyung-ssi.
I have to attend an emergency meeting. Had to leave very early but others will be there to show you around.

There was a sticky note placed on the mirror. A yellow paper informing him about Jungkook's whereabouts. "Aaa!" Taehyung screamed after reading it. "What's wrong with this man? Why is he acting all romantic? Don't tell me he took my flirting seriously? It was a joke you foolish being."

He was cringing all over. The boy was not used to such sweetness in his everyday life. With the most weirded out expression on his face he freshened up. His eyes never leaving the sight of that yellow chit. Even while working on his smokey eye makeup he somehow kept glancing at the note from time to time.

Why am I doing this? The thought was constantly torturing him but he couldn't stop himself. The gesture was cute and cringe at the same time and he was not able to divert himself from obsessing over it. A beautiful morning indeed!

"God knows what am I suppose to do with you." He exclaimed once he was done with his makeup and hair. With utmost care he peeled off the note from the mirror. Then walking into the room he kept it inside the cabinet next to his side of the bed. Why? Never ever dare to ask him that.

"Okay! Now it's time to face my so called husband's family." Taehyung muttered under his breath, giving the cabinet one last unsure glance. The strange warmth from earlier peculiarly ebbing out of his body as he started stepping away from the silly sticky note. What the hell was wrong with him!

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