Chapter 17

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I find Julianna's and Ashers behavior different recently. There more secretive and shut off. I keep finding myself asking them questions they don't have answers too. I have my suspicions that Asher is getting screwed but with who is what I'm wondering. He had hickeys that he could not explain and his back was fucked up. I have no clue who he could messing around with. With my sister on the other hand, I have no clue what the hells up with her. She's not acting as weird as Asher but some odd things been happening with her. She had a mark on her neck, she claimed it was a burn mark but it seemed to purple for that. She had trouble walking and even fell on the floor. Asher had to carry her out of the restaurant. Today she had a soar throat, it's spring. Julianna also had been going out much more.I also haven't hung out with Asher much. Last weekend we went to a party and I didn't see him or my sister the whole time. Wait a God damn minute. Could the mark on my sister a hickey, was her throat soar from screaming, could she not walk cause someone took her ability to walk. Why had I not seen Asher and her at the party. Did I really drop my sister off at a friend's house or had she walked to Ashers apartment. Is my sister fucking my best friend! Oh hell no.

I storm to Juliannas room, pushing through her door. She looks up from her book. "Are you fucking serious!" I yell coming closer to her. She gives me a worried look. "Are you fucking my best friend!" I scream as she locks her eyes on me. Tears start to form in her eyes. "Nate, please." She says as a tear rolls down her cheek. "Please? Please what let you screw my best friend and not say anything about it!" I shout as she jumbles something on her phone. I run my hand through my hair, still trying to wrap my head around this. She looks up from her phone. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing manages to come out. "Seriously what the hell? What the fuck are you guys thinking!" I scream. Julianna gets out of her bed trying to get closer to me. I back away to the door. "You know what screw you. You just had to screw Asher." I say about to leave the room. I pause for a moment as I think. "Did he take you're virginity?" I ask looking up at Julianna. She looks to the ground and slightly nods her head as more tears fall from her eyes. "Fuck!" I yell. I storm back to my room. I slam my door as I collapse to the floor. How could the two people I love most in life betray me like this. How could the man I could confine in and trust with my life go on and screw my little sister and take away her virginity. How could my younger sister do that to me, hurt me the worst way possible. I watch as a drop of water falls to the floor than another. I realize I'm crying, I cry harder. Fuck, I'm shedding tears from theses fuckers.

I try to calm down as my door opens. I turn around to see Asher at my door. He walks in slowly looking at me in tears. "Nate, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Nate says apologeticly. "What you didn't mean to have sex with my little sister! Is she just one of your little hook ups, is she one your sex toys!" I shout at Asher. "Fuck, no that's not what I meant. Here listen me out." Asher says with watery eyes. "Here you out! I just found out you screwed my sister!" I scream as another tear falls down my cheek. "Nate, I love her. She means everything to me. I would never hurt her let alone use her. She is my world. I know this is hard to hear but it's true okay. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this. I might as well tell you now but, we've made things official." Asher pleads. I sniffle as Asher breaks down in tears. Asher never cried in front of me before. "Please don't hate her for this if your to be mad at anyone it's me. Please don't punish her. She loves you and needs you. You were her rock when your dad passed. Without you she crumbles. Could you please think about things before you do anything." Asher pleads basically on his knees for me."God fucking damn it. Fine I'll think about it just get the hell out of my room." I say still upset. Asher leaves the room and leaves me to my thoughts. Damn, he fucking loves her. Them assholes are in love.

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