Chapter 16

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I get home from Ashers getting a ride from a friend. I get home slumped. I collapse onto the couch. I wake up hours laters. I look out the window and see it's pitch black out. I hear rustling in the kitchen and decided to check it out. I slowly drag myself into the kitchen rubbing my eyes. I look up to see my mom reheating dinner. I walk over next to her, she turns to look at me surprised that I'm awake. "Sweetie, what are you doing up?" She says hugging me. I turn to the clock on the stove and see 3:06 a.m blink at me in green text. "I just woke up." I mumble getting a cheese stick from the fridge. "Good night." I say leaving the room to go back up to my room.

I leave my snack on my bed as go to shower. When I get out I do my night time routine before turning on the TV. I pull the covers over me as I click on something to watch. I pick up my laptop off the nightstand and onto my lap. I open it, looking for work near me. I open my snack as I dig deeper into my search.

I wake up to the sun in my eyes. I cover my eyes with my comforter. I roll over to the other side as I try to open my eyes. Once my eyes adjust I check the time and get out of bed. I go straight downstairs, starving. I run to the kitchen and grab myself a bowl. I pour my cereal and take the milk out the fridge. I hear a giggle and a gasp. I turn around to see my brother and Asher standing in the hall looking at me. My brother gives me a disgusted look as he looks down at me, Asher bites his lip. I do a double take realizing what the issue is. I shuffle as I pour milk into my bowl as I sprint back to my room in my booty shorts and sports bra. When I get to my room I face plant into my bed dying from embarrassment. I let out a scream into my pillow. I stop myself as I realize how soar my throat is. I text Nate to ask to make me a cup of tea as I eat my breakfast.

Minutes later as I finish slipping my leftover milk Asher knocks on the door and comes in with lemon tea. My eyes light up with joy as I see the tea, my throat throbbing in pain. I gulp down the hot tea trying to soothe my throat. "We need to talk." Asher says as I finish chugging my tea. I set down my cup and look up at him. He sits down at the edge of my bed as he begins to speak. "Love, you know I care deeply about you. I have for awhile, keeping to myself. But I feel the need to make things official and make my feelings clear. Julianna I love you and always will, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Asher asks staring at me. "Of course I will!" I exclaim. I pull Asher into a big hug. He kisses my cheek and forehead." Dude hurry up the games starting." Nate shouts from the living room."I should go now love." Asher says getting up kissing my head. He shuts the door as I internally scream.

I pick up my phone. I begin to scroll through videos for awhile. I soon realize my throat is starting to hurt once again. I put on a hoodie before leaving my room. I run down the stairs, into the kitchen. I turn on the kettle as I go back to my room to bring my mug down. Once I get back to the kettle "Why the hell are you drinking so much tea, what did you do that made your throat hurt so much." Nate asks turing to his game. Screaming your best friend's name for 4 hours. I shrug as turn back to the kettle. I finish making my tea and go back to my room. I crawl back into bed. I finish chugging my tea and crack open a book.

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