Chapter 11

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After I finished inside of Julianna there was a rustling noise from the door. " Love, what was that?" I ask still thrusting into her. "Fuck, it might be my brother." Julianna says panting. "Love we should probably stop." I say slowing down my thrust. Julianna groans as I pull out. "I swear to god I'm going to kill this man." Julianna says sitting on the bed. We sit there until we hear the door shut. "Finally, damn." Julianna says while she comes over to me. Julianna has a wide grin straddling me. "We just almost got caught and you wanna keep it up?" I say moving her around my lap by her hips. "Your probably right." She says looking towards the window. She gasps before saying "Can we watch a movie?". I do a small groan. Julianna wraps her arms around my neck and looks deep into my eyes. "Please pretty boy." She begs. "How could I say no." I say leaning in for a kiss. She kisses me back before pulling away. "Here you can take a shower to clean up and I'll clean up in here." She says. I nod in response as she gets up to clean up the mess we made.

  I get out of Julianna's bathroom in some pj pants I had in my car. She walks over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek before going into the bathroom to shower. I go to sit on her bed and turn on her TV. I scroll through the movies as she comes out the bathroom in Nike pros and a bralette. Damn does she look stunning. If I could I'd fuck her again. "Hey love, wanna watch Tangled?" I say as Julianna sits down next to me. "Oh my gosh, yes!" She squeals. I click on the movie as she shuts off the lights. She signals for me to lay down so I do. She lays next to me as she covers us with the comforter. I scute closer to her wrapping my arm around her. I attack her with kisses all over her face, neck, and back as she watches the movie. She later turns to me, facing me. "I'm cold." she groans. I pull her closer as she wraps her arm on my waist, laying her head on my chest. I listened to her breaths as I fall asleep.

  I wake up to steps outside the door. I look around and see Julianna comfortably sleeping on the other side of the bed. I put the my shirt on before going to her and spooning her. I started to play with her hair as she slowly woke up. She turns to me then smiles. "Good morning beautiful." I say admireing her. She puts her hand on my cheek. I put my over hers and rub hers. "Love we should get up before someone else does." I say pushing hair out of her face. "Five more minutes." She groans putting her chest on mine.

After we cuddle some more we both get up. I managed to sneak out without anyone seeing me. I drive back to my house to get changed as I get a text message from Nate, breakfast with him and his sister. This'll be fun. I finish changing before walking back to Noah's and Julianna's house. When I knock Nate answers excited to see me. He tells me all about his night and how I was a dick for taking the car. Funny for him calling me a dick when I gave mine to his sister yesterday. We talk more as Nate finishes getting ready. We go wait in the car for Julianna.

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