Chapter 6

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My eyes slowly shoot open I find myself looking for Asher in my bed and disappointed when I can't find him. I hear my phone's alarm go off, I shut it off surprised I woke up before it went off. I walk over to my closet pick up a dark lace top and a pair of ripped jeans. I get ready listening to music and for the first time in awhile I feel confident. I strut downstairs and grab my book bag. I peek my head outside while putting on my shoes and see that my brother isn't in the car yet. I walk up to his room and knock on his door

"Julianna i'm not ready, i just woke up!" Nate shouts through the door.

I check the time on my phone and I was half an hour early."Hey i'm going to go get breakfast, can I take your car?" I asked.

"Fine but don't fucking crash it." Nate exclaimed.

"Whatever dipshit!" I cheered.

   I got inside Nate's car, turned it on, put on the heater,and started to blast my music. I sang as loud as I could while driving to pick up the food. I order enough for myself, Nate, and Asher. I drive as fast as I can, almost hitting a raccoon, to get back to the house so we'd have enough time to pick up Asher.

I pulled into the driveway waving at Noah laughing, then jumping into the back of the car. Nate gets in and begins to back up the car.

"Are we picking up Asher?" I asked as Nate got on the road.

"Nah he texted me a few minutes ago that we woke up late and to not bother picking him up." Nate said turning into another street.

"Oh" I said in a disappointed tone. "Well this is for you and I got some for Asher too so could you give it to him.". I said as I put the food onto the passenger seat. He nods in response.

I walk into school and go to my locker I mess with my books then shut it. I begin to walk away when someone calls out my name. I turn to see Amelia. "Hey!" I say.

"Don't fucking hey me when you left me on delivered last night bitch." Amelia said in an upset tone.

Oh shit I forgot to answer her after everything.

"Oh my god I'm sooo sorry I feel asleep. I know I'm always sleeping but I'm so sorry. Can you tell me what u told me?" I frantically said.

"Ughhh fineee. Basically that I like Asher and you were like a shit friend when you sat next to him and you're kinda a bitch." Amelia said.

"Arent you dating Anthony? And didn't you sleep with Chase last week?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter just like leave him okay." Amelia says while she goes on her phone. I nod as I turn to go to class.

I feel someone slightly tug on my bookbag and turn to see who it was. I turn around to see Leon behind me with a rose in his hand.

"Hey princess, I know you're kinda mad at me but I just wanna say that I'm sorry for everything and all the times I may have hurt you." He says as he hands me the rose.

"Oh uh it's cool." I say going into class not trying to cause a scene or make myself tear up.

At lunch I throw the rose in the trash and go to sit down. I scroll on Pinterest as I hear someone say "Hey love.". My eyes shoot up as I see Asher standing next to me holding his things.

"Hi! Here sit down." I excited say as I move my stuff to make room.

"How are we feeling? Better?" Asher asks concerned.

"Much, thank you so much for last night I have no idea what I would do with out you." I say smiling.

" Of course, anytime, remember call or text me anytime. I don't want anything bad happening to you." He exclaimed. "Oh thanks for the food today I didn't get to eat this morning." Asher said grabbing something off of his tray.

After school I get into the car and ask Noah to drop me off at Barns&Nobles.

"Damn you are a nerd." Nate says while turning.

"Not the type of nerd you think" I say under my breath.

  Asher chuckles then quickly glances at me. Shit, shit , shit I think he hear me, fuck! Nate stops the car outside the store and unlocks the door. I thank him for the ride and say goodbye. I enter the store enjoying the smell of coffee from the Starbucks to the left of me. I order a small drink as I begin to look through the romance section.

2 hours and $168 later I call Nate to come pick me up. Soon after he pulls up near me. I get into the front seat as I throw my bags of books into the back seats.

" God damn youre a hard core nerd." Nate saids jokingly.

"Yeah a nerd for sex lives."I say with a small smile.

Nate stiffens up and looks visibly uncomfortable. My job as a sister is fulfilled. Nate jumped out of the car and into the house once he put the car in park. I grabbed my bags out from the back and slowly make my way to the door. I'm greeted by Asher at the door.

He took the bags from my hands and asks "You use any of this in real life?".

I look at him flustered and shocked. " Quite the opposite."

   I respond with. Damnit I just told Asher that I'm a virgin I probably look so stupid. I look up at him and he was smiling. He is happy that I'm a virgin? He sets the bags on my desk. Before he leaves my room he kisses my forehead and says "See you later, love". Leaving me a flustered mess.

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