Chapter 42

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Her wide (e/c) eyes locked onto the soft yet sorrowful blue orbs before her. A heavy frown etched its way onto the pale woman's face, her gaze dropping to the injured and bleeding woman on her knees, a pained tableau unfolding before her. Bending slightly, the pale woman extended her hand toward the (h/c) haired figure. The (h/c) haired woman's gaze shifted to the offered hand. She reached out hesitantly, fingers trembling, before a surge of something within her made her jerk back, slapping the hand away with a scowl. Blood trickled from her lips as she wavered on her feet, the agony coursing through her body palpable.

"'s..IT'S NOT YOU."

The pale woman's lips remained sealed, but the furrow on her brow deepened as she beheld the quivering form before her, battered and blood-streaked.


A single utterance froze the woman, her body tensing at the sound of that achingly familiar voice. A pale hand cupped her cheek, brushing away a glistening rivulet of blood that adorned her forehead. The touch was like a feather's caress—gentle, ethereal, almost surreal.

"What have you done to dear baby sister..."

Y/n stared, pupils dilating within wide eyes, breath catching in her throat as she involuntarily leaned into that tender touch.

"It''s all for you...I did this for you...I'll bring you back sis! I'm nearly done! I nearly have everything I need! I just nee—"

"Stop it, y/n."

The firm voice of her sister cut through, severing her words like a knife. Her eyes retained a softness, yet carried an unyielding resolve as she withdrew her hand.



Shock reverberated through her, her hands trembling as they clung onto her sister's gaze—(e/c) eyes clashing with blue in a silent battle.

From a distance, they stood as polar opposites—one draped in an immaculate white gown, the other cloaked in black, a canvas of rips and bloodstains.

"You must cease this, y/n...your actions inflict pain on others, but more so, you're inflicting pain upon yourself."

Refusal rippled through her, compelling her to grip her sister's shoulders in desperation.

"No! No, I...I'm bringing you back! You'll live again! We'll be together!"

A gentle smile graced the pale woman's lips, as she tenderly disentangled herself from y/n's grasp, her head shaking slowly.

"No, y/n...destiny has charted a different course for us...I might not be living, yet I remain with you...always. I've witnessed your growth, and I've witnessed your fall. You've plummeted so far, my dear sister. Enveloped by this darkness, this unrelenting craving for vengeance. And for what? For me? No, y/n. You knew you could never truly resurrect me, yet you persist in self-destruction, dragging all around you into the brings tears to my ethereal eyes. You're not alone any longer, y/n...the lonely girl of yesteryears has evolved. You've been reborn in an era with allies who care...Gojo...Megumi...Nobara...Yuuji...even Sukuna, yes, even him. He tumbled alongside you, spiraled into madness, all in pursuit of retrieving you. And what have you done? Was it worth it?"

Glistening tears welled, tracing paths down y/n's cheeks, her expression a tableau of disbelief as she gazed at her blood-smeared hands.

"N-no...I did this...I...for us.."

"No, y/n. You've done this for a fleeting dream. An illusion you aspired to manifest. And in the process, you've become a monstrosity. You've snuffed out innocent lives. You've shattered hearts. Do you find solace in this? Is your insatiable hunger sated?"


"Redemption beckons, y/'s not too late. Clamber out of the abyss you've dug, and extend a hand to those you've ensnared within. I'll be waiting...ensuring you'll never plummet again."

A wistful smile adorned the pale woman's features as she leaned in, pressing a kiss upon y/n's brow before turning away, her gown and hair stirred by a spectral breeze as she began her departure.

Y/n's head snapped up, arm outstretched in an instinctual plea, only to crumple to her knees, vision fragmenting as darkness encroached, blotches of black creeping across her sight.

"NO! What if they don't...what if...what if I...ple...ase…"

Her form went limp, a final whisper hanging in the air, consumed by the encroaching shadows.

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