Chapter XXXIV

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They stared at her in shock as she took a step back, a large smile on her face and the insane glint in her eyes not going unnoticed by the two.

She turned away from them, her back faced to them as she faced the sky, stretching her arms out to the side. A insane laugh escaping her lips. Her h/c and black trench coat blowing in the breeze as her laughter finally ceased. A pleases sigh escaping her lips.

"Finally. Centuries locked away in an endless abyss. Weeks of dealing with Jujutsu brats and a worthless Jujutsu bastard. But it was worth it. Oh how it was worth it. To collect the last piece of my soul. To finally be complete. To have this pathetic world at my disposal once again. Oh how wonderful!!"

The insane smile that adorned her plump lips was wiped away as she heard a deep voice speak. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, with a glare to see the pest that interrupted her joy.

"What the hell are you doing y/n."

She hummed before turning to face the shocked salmon haired boy with a mouth in the form of a scowl on his cheek. She smirked. Walking closer and motioning a hand to have him lowered so she could face him properly.

"Oh my dear Sukuna. Didn't you see? Were the signs I left not clear enough? You poor matter. You still have a chance Sukuna. Just like the old times. I will provide you with the energy you need to take over this vessel completely. We'll rule side by side. You will be the king who stands beside the Queen. Don't yo-"


Her eyes instantly narrowed at the mouth. Moving back as her face morphed into a blank mask.

"A shame. I thought you would appreciate it. Suppose not. If you won't join me...

You will die with the rest of them."

With a wave of her hand, the cursed hand releases them, making the drop to the ground, gasping in pain as they were free of the tight hold on their bodies. Slowly lifting their eyes to the woman Infront of them. Her e/c glimmering as she stared down at them.

"How unfortunate for you. I really hoped I would find use for you. But I suppose not everyone's fate will have a civil ending."





That day three bodies were together.

Only one left alive.



Megumi used the last of his strength to move his eyes, the darkness quickly invading his vision, seeing a pair of heel coated in red, walk away before closing his eyes and lying still.

They lied on their front.

Bodies still..

And a pair of hearts Infront of them.

The Queens Creation (Sukunaxreader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum