Chapter X

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The three teens layed on the floor with small pants and flushed cheeks, tired from such rough training.

Itadori whined along with kugisaki as the two sat up and looked over at their over joyful teacher

"Gojo-senseiiiiiiii why would you make us do thatttttt"

"Yeah! That's unfair! I don't even have cute summer training outfits!"

"Why would you buy them if they would get ruined anyway?..."

"Shut up megumi!"

The white haired teacher laughed at them before raising a pointer finger and shaking it

"Now now my precious students! Stamina and physical strength are as important to a Jujutsu sorcerer as is mental strength! Obviously!"

The three looked at him with unreadable expressions as he blinked at them


"Gojo-sensei maybe you should quit"



Itadori let out another loud sigh as all four of them sat inside a small cafe, gojos treat ofcource. Gojo looked up from the deserts menu and blinked at him

"What's wrong Yuji?"

"Sukuna keeps talking and I can't hear anything but his voice, it's so annoying"

"That's what you get for eating a finger"

"Yeah, that's so disgusting.."

"You guys are supposed to be supportive friends!! Assholes!"

"Pipe down idiot. We're in public."

Itadori calmed down with a pout while rubbing the side of his head where megumi had smacked him

"This cafe is empty anyway- there's only the staff"

"This place is always empty at this time! That's why I brought you three here! Nice and calm"

"There isn't anything calm with finger eater there"


Gojo let out a laugh as he placed his menu down and leaned his face in the palms of his hands, looking over at the pink haired male

"What does Sukuna actually talk about?"

Itadori hummed and closed his eyes in slight thought before snapping his fingers

"Well usually I hear stuff about killing and 'damn Jujutsu sorcerers'  but a lot of the time I hear mumbling so I can't really make out what he's saying, probably cursing me out, thought he has no right after ripping my heart out!!"

Suddenly a mouth appeared on his hand that rested on the table and spoke with a gruff voice

"Oi. Shut the fuck up brat. You're annoying."

He stared down at the hand with a pout as the other three had raised brows in slight surprise

"You haven't talked for weeks and now you suddenly show up and say that? AND WHAT IS IT WITH YOU CALLING ME BRAT?!"

"It's been boring. I think I'll just take over your body and kill everyone here right now hah"

"You wouldn't succeed unfortunately Mr king of curses"

Said a smiling gojo as he stared at the hand

"Anyway! Besides the point! I also wanted to talk about our next mission! We're going to be going to....drum roll please..."

Kugisaki and itadori kept their eyes on their teacher with anticipation and excitement as megumi stared with a bored expression


"gojo-sensei you should definitely quit."


"Why do we need to go to a library anyway?"

"Well I found out from the principal that back when Jujutsu sorcerers were first around they wrote a lot of techniques and curse types in books and placed them all in that library, I thought it would be useful for all of you, maybe you would be able to find something that relates to your techniques, or shikigamis or maybe even curse vessels, we'll be going tommorow by the way!"


"Gojo-sensei please quit."



Sukuna stared at the white haired sorcerer through the eyes of itadori in annoyance before humming in thought, placing a hand on his chin and smirking deviously

"A library on Jujutsu and curses...maybe... there'll be something with her...

This may be quite useful."

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