Chapter VI

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Why was he such an idiot? He stared up at the large slimy curse with shaky eyes, his body covered in dirt. He tried to fight. And for a few minutes, he shocked even himself that he could punch back the disgusting creature. How did he end up in this situation? Well....


Sukuna woke up with a stretch and a small yawn , he  looked at the burnt out fire and took a deep breath. He turned his eyes to the sleeping figure near the fire and stood up, walking towards her slowly to take a better look. She seemed so calm...

'she looks at peace...'

'shes vulnerable right now...'

'i could kill her...'

'kill her...'

'kill her.'

His dark thoughts were interrupted by the gurgle of his stomach. Damn he was starving. He looked around before sighing as he realised they had no food. Well they were in a forest, there had to be something like fruits or a small animal of some sort. And with that thoughts he left their little campsite.

Back to present time

He gulped as the slimy creature stretched out its arm towards him, he shut his eyes tightly and covered his face with his arms.

'this is the end...'

As the arm drew closer, he waited for the sharp pain of death but it never came.

He slowly opened his eyes and widened them as he saw the crimson eyes of y/n staring at the creature, her hand holding the disgusting things arm. The curse let out a loud gurgle of a noise, seemingly stumbling away from her as she picked sukuna up, checking him for any injuries and seeing a small scratch.

Her eyes darkened as she stood up, looking over her shoulder at the creature.

"You hurt him. You foul thing. Disgustingly tainted thing. And that's coming from me."

She took small steps towards it before holding her hand out and snapping her fingers, the slime of the creature splattering around them, trees and all.

She made a disgusted face and turned back to sukuna.

"Fucking gross. Oi brat , are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine..."

She took his hand and led him further into the forest making him confused.

"Hey- where are we going?-"

"To the springs. You're filthy sukuna"

"..that's rude"

"But it's the truth"

In a matter of minutes they had made it to the spring and y/n let go of him, sitting down on a large rock.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Bathe"


She rolled her eyes as she turned while he got undressed.

"Not like I give a fuck kid"

He growled at her back as he got in the spring, pleasantly surprised at the warmth and sunk his body in fully. She had no ounce of embarrassment or understanding of others.

"Be quick, I don't like waiting brat"

"Hey y/n? Teach me to kill."

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