Chapter XXV

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The group of three and teacher of one, since Gojo had left earlier to take care of some "business" as he called it though everyone highly doubted it, sat together just enjoying the cool autumn breeze, they each had a drink of their choosing from the vending machine while y/n held a coffee in her right hand.



She looked over at Kugisaki who was staring down at her drink, a distant look in her eyes as a small frown formed on her lips.

"Why...why did you become a killer.."

Y/n kept silent, a little stunned at the dark question from the bright girl. She looked back at the grass before looking up at the sky, seeing a dark flock of clouds in the distance, how convenient.

"Everyone's a killer if you push them far enough."

They widened their eyes a little at the answer  and looked at her, seeing her expressionless face staring out into the clouds, but they couldn't deny the spark of sadness before a swirl of anger overcame it.


"All of us are the same do you know that?"

"The only thing that makes us different...

Is that all of you stayed strong, and chose to help people...I however...

Became broken and chose to kill."

"If you were pushed further...then you too...would be killers. Just. Like. Me."

With that she stood up and left without a single word, walking back inside the building as the flock of clouds finally approached, coating the sky in a gloomy feeling, matching the feeling below. The sound of silence has never felt so loud...


No one saw Y/n for the rest of the day. It was already evening. Gojo had gotten caught up with missions and in all honesty he was the only person powerful enough to keep y/n at bay. Now he's not here and she's missing. The trio went to look around Tokyo but there wasn't a single trace that she ever even stepped foot in Tokyo, nor was she at Jujutsu high.

"Fuck! What are we gonna do guys?! We lost Y/n-sensei! Kugisaki this is your fault! Maybe if you didn't ask such a sensitive question we wouldn't be in this situation!"

Kugisaki instantly scowled at yuji and stomped up to him, getting close to to his face as she gripped his collar in anger.

"Me?! I'm the one at fault here!? Oh sorry for being curious about a curse who wants to kill us the second she gets the chance! For all we know she could have murdered half of Japan by now!"

"Well no shit! I wonder what caused her to disappear?! Huh?! You couldn't just keep your mouth shut?! She's still our teacher and she's not as bad as she lets on!!"

"Oh shut up yuji! You heard her! She's a killer! That's all she wants to do! She admitted to wanting to kill us when she gets the opportunity!"

"Shut up both of you!"

The two stopped and slowly turned towards Megumi who had a distressed face from all the arguing and stress.

"You two arguing right now isn't going to fix what already happened so pull yourselves together and find Y/n-sensei before we have a serious problem on our hands."

The two looked down in shame a little before nodding and quickly going to look around Jujutsu high once again in hopes of seeing her.


Y/n hummed to herself as she walked through the forest near the school, throwing up and catching a few nails in her hand before stopping at a beautiful old tree, swaying slightly in the breeze.

"This will do."

She made her ways towards the tree before dropping the nails on the ground. As they were about to touch the floor a black mist appeared and caught them, a shadow like dismembered figure holding the nails as black mist poured from it.

"I'm tired. And I am on the brink of madness. Form yourself into a human form."

The figure simply nodded and sucked up the mist that surrounded it, turning into the form of a random human it copied, that being one of a random woman she had seen on the streets one day. She grabbed the nails and kicked the figure against the tree, walking foward as a small sadistic smirk formed on her lips, her e/c eyes glinting in delight.

"It's not the same as a real human but I suppose this will suffice. It's the closest I can get. You imitate noises too yes?"

She chuckled darkly before raising the nails above the head of the female form.

"I've been dying to hear the screams of pathetic humans."

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